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May As Well Be A Bye (Corez)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 09:21:33 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:28/06/2009 12:25 PMCopy HTML

The Corez Effect
Warning: The Roleplay you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU MOTHER FUCKER!


(After a big six tag match last week were back to singles matches for THC and its for King of SEF tournament matches. Corez faces someone from the tag match, some little girl called Taylor Johnson who wants to play with the men. Well she's about to get her chance tonight and she won't like the result because Corez is out to become King! We find Corez standing outside a locker room with THC on it and he wears baggy jeans with a white muscle shirt, hair slicked back some and a smirk on his face.)
Corez: So I get to face some chicky who likes to play with the big boys, some groupie of Chris Orton's! Taylor, your the upset princess, your out to be a champion, ya think your gonna pass by me tonight, well think again baby. Only one getting passed by is you cause after Orton's done using your skank ass you'll hang around someone else for a while, then go for a few guys at once, then you'll leave SEF and stay in whatever dump town your in at the time being a groupie for any no talent hack who thinks he's a big star, you'll be a filthy slut with worn out knees and a bad back, bitter because you couldn't make it as a wrestler.
(Corez brings his hands up brushing his hair, not like it needs it though. He hooks his thumbs on his belt and keeps smirking.)
Corez: Your in no way shape or form near my league, your nothing to me Taylor, hell, this match may as well be a bye for me beause that's how easy of a win its gonna be for me tonight. You want Extreme baby, I'll give you what that small boy Orton can't give you...hardcore to the bone!
(Corez does a crotch chop as he says the last line, grins devilishly, then backs up opening the door and steps outta view shutting it in the cameras view which now fades away to black.)
Warning: If you steal this layout the that means absolutely nothing because I too stole it and well, who cares, its a layout.

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