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No Player, Just A Poser (Xanthus)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 09:24:09 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:28/06/2009 3:36 PMCopy HTML

The Real Deal, The Original No Gimmicks Needed
Warning: The Roleplay you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU MOTHER FUCKER!

Rated XXX
No Care, No Gimmick
(Oh man she's so hot and I'm running my hands over her soft body, her skin feels so good, damn. She's rubbing my chest hard, but gentle, she wants me, she loves me. I lay back and grabs her small, delicate, curvy waist and sit her on me. She stradles over me while continuing to rub my chest and I move my hands around to her ass caressing it and then...)
Corez: Yo brother, wake up!
(My eyes open up and I see my brothers face and sit up backing away.)
Xanthus: Ah, fucker, why'd ya do that?
Corez: Tonights Extreme bro, gotta get ready to whip some ass.
Xanthus: Fuck, I was getting ready man. I had this hot ass dream of Kelly Kelly dawg, oh fuck is she hot...HAWT!
(That prick just laughs and slugs me, then sits down on a chair as I relax a little and adjust my pants.)
Corez: You'll never get her though, all ya can do is dream.
Xanthus: Fuck you bitch! So who the hell we facing?
Corez: Well, I get a chick, Taylor Johnson and you got Justin Cage.
Xanthus: So what's the difference in our opponents?!
(We both laugh at the one, but really, its true.)
Xanthus: So this is a King of SEF match ain't it?
Corez: Yea it is brother.
Xanthus: Guess SEF must have a small roster if Cage got a spot in it, little bitch that he is, fucking no showing poser thinking he's a player, heh, what a fucking joke.
Corez: No doubt bro, waste of ring time and your time, so naturally its a good thing you do got him cause I'm sure you'll make him regret ever coming to SEF.
Xanthus: Oh you know it. No cheap ass punk is gonna be able live down a match with me, he's a dead man and this is his last match here. Wonder if it'll you and me in the second round though or maybe the final round?!
(We both just eye each other and grin, man, what a classic we'd make that.)
Corez: Well if it is I guess everyone you'd get to see that the better brother is the older one!
Xanthus: HA, please bitch, I'm the better one and you know that.
Corez: your better at taking as ass kicking I'll give ya that.
Xanthus: Least I can take one ya fucking wimp.
Corez: The only thing you take is shit beause its all you can get, so X, dream on!
(Oh man, that fucker had to go there, fuck it, time to tackle his ass, so I dart up and shoot right at my bro taking him to the floor. Fuck, he was ready and now were rolling all over the place. We both scramble up and he charges me right up into the camera knocking that to the floor and...static, then fade to black.)
Warning: If you steal this layout the that means absolutely nothing because I too stole it and well, who cares, its a layout.

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