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You Think Your Hardcore? (Corez)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 09:29:03 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:05/07/2009 6:49 PMCopy HTML

(We find Corez sitting alone in a locker room with a towel draped over his head and his eyes peering out from under it, coldness comes from his soul. He wears no shirt and has on his ring pants as he sits on the bench hunched forward, arms on his legs and a scowl on his face.)
Corez: Last week I got the chance to oust that no good whore Taylor Johnson from this tournament and I did just that. Now I am one step closer to becoming KING...a goal I will achieve this year! Tonight I got Suicide Hank, heh, please. This joke of a wrestler thinks he's suicidal, he thinks he is hardcore, fuck that! I'm fucking hardcore, so is X to the fucking A, my brother Xanthus, were the only hardcore wrestlers in SEF today, so fuck you Hank!
(He rips off the towel and throws to the floor, then looks up with anger on his face and his eyes even colder.)
Corez: You don't even compare to me, your not in the league of myself, of THC, your pathetic Hank. I've been in SEF for years busting my ass, I have dedicated more to this company than you can fathom. Your a guy who roams around going into companies, kissing their ass while claiming your defiant, your a fucking joke and a disgrace, your not hardcore, your soft to the core. Tonight your gonna get shut down, put down, and beat down by the Corez Effect and that effect will cause permeanant damage to your already troubled soul.
(Corez stands up abruptly and tightens his arms at his sides, his whole torso tightens up and he looks intense.)
Corez: Your a disgrace to that title you hold Hank, its becoming almost as worthless as you, though I doubt with its history it could ever sink that low because its only a matter of time before someone comes along and takes it away from you. Anyone who does that will restore honor to the title, but not as much as me and my bro will bring back the Tag Titles and make them on par with the World Hevayweight Title! There is one thing I am doing for myself though and that is becoming the King of SEF! With my experience in SEF, my accolades here, I've never won this tournament, but this is the year the Corez Effect rises up and becomes one of the elite. I will advance at your expense Hank, your nothing to me ya piece of shit, just another jobber fodder in my way to greatness!
(And so he walks to the camera pushing it down to the floor and the view goes to static and then fades to black.)

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