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Bigger Than You (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 09:29:51 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:05/07/2009 9:02 PMCopy HTML

(Standing in the back of the Oakland Coliseum is Scorpion and the smug look that usually is on his face is there. He sports his tights and leather vest, blonde hair flowing down his shoulders and arms crossed over his chest. He has a slight sneer, a curl of his lip.)
"Mack thinks that I am going down, that my end is nearing, that Scorpion will soon be no more here in SEF, well Mack can think whatever the hell he wants, but reality is that I am bigger than Mack!"

(He uncrosses his arms and hooks his thumbs on his tights.)
"He and Taylor Johnson are one in the same compared to me! I own them both, I own the whole roster, I own this company, I am the greatest of all time and nobody can say otherwise!"

(His look turns cold and his eyes swell with anger, he looks ready to explode.)
"You think your so great Mack, your the man, you can't be beaten, your the standard here...FUCK YOU!"

(He throws his arms up in the air and then lets them drop.)
"I'm bigger than you Mack...you hear me? I am bigger than you ya son of a bitch and tonight you may keep an eye on Taylor, but I won't! She intereferes in this fight between us and I'll end her existence. Its you I want and I will get my hands on you Mack, your finished, this war will be over because you will be dead!"

(Scorpion drops to his knees now and bows forward some, then he lifts his head up looking out of it, his hands come up opened and his eyes red and psychotic looking.)
"Maybe your right Mack, I have been on the losing...maybe I have, but I don't stop and I never will. I'm better than you Mack, I'm bigger than SEF! I may have learned from you, a great trained you were and I thank you for that, but I took a lot of shit here, I gave more than I should have. Remember 2004 when I debuted and I was on a roll, I carried SEF that fall. It wasn't my time though, no it wasn't Mack, I was forced to put over some no talent, worthless hack who was given my title, he got the ball and dropped it flat. And I'll say his fucking name cause I ain't afraid to, David Blade, the biggest fluke of a World Champion ever in the history of this sport. I carried his ass for months, a deathmatch, an elimination chamber, tag matches, and good ol' singles matches. He and I faced off many times and everytime I owned him, I carried him, without Scorpion David Blade would have never looked as good as he did. He would have stayed in the ranks competing for the Hardcore Title and if he got lucky he would have been able to get the IC Title on his own, but nothing he got was on his own, it was because of me! I took the dirty work of carrying him in hopes of becoming the greatest of all time, I put him over time and time again even though he didn't deserve it because I expected to get what I deserved and well I did, but..."

(He looks down at the floor, his arms drop and then he raises his head up.)
"I got my time, but that was cut short, I was still supposed to play second fiddel and that time to you. I was the World Heavyweight Champion and you were the main event and then SEF has another of its rough patches, no more tv for a few months, not very many shows done. We return and I'm champ and then I'm not because then I have to carry your fucking wife Whitney Marret and then what happens, bye bye Scorpion! I came back under other names, given a shitty gimmick to play a rib for you on McMoney..."

(His face red with anger, his eyes look ready to burst out of his head.)
"Still I took that shit and made it as good as even I could and then I was able to rid myself of that bullshit and come back as myself, as The Ultimate Sinner...as Scorpion! I regained the World Championship, but yet again I have to give, I have to carry a worthless wrestler, this time Chris Orton, the so called brother to the talented Randy Orton. I carry his ass all over, from back in MCW to now and I forever will because there is only one person who can make Chris look good and that is me! All that shit I took Mack, everything that was dumped on me throughout my tenure in SEF, every bit of it...it was all your fault, your to blame you son of a bitch! I'm out for more than blood, that won't satisfy my thirst, only your death will. SEF is not big enough for the both of us and so its time to rid this company of you Mack, its time Mack stepped down, its time that Mack got shutdown, put out of not yours, but all of ours and mostly my misery. That's all you cause anymore, misery and its your time that will come to an end, its the end of Mack forever and that, that is all a fucking shoot!"

(Scorpion slumps down staring at the floor, he's muttering something, mumbling incoherently and then he suddenly snaps up to his feet and grabs the camera forcing it back and puts his face right in front of it like madman.)

(He lets go and storms away in anger, the camera steadying itself on the backdrop and then with that the view just fades to black.)

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