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We Own SEF (Xanthus & Corez)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 09:33:44 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:10/07/2009 9:24 PMCopy HTML

(He lost his match in the King of SEF tournament, but Xanthus is cool with that, he's rolling on his path and looking at them Tag Titles with his brother. This week he's in tag team action, but is partner is not Corez, its Suicide Hank and the two men face Chris Orton and his girl Taylor Johnson. Corez is in singles action this week and he faces the man X faced last week, Nick Torres and like last week its a King of SEF match. We find the two brothers kicked back at a bar poolside of a hotel, X doing shots along with his drink while Corez sips his drink and scopes out chicks.)
Xanthus: So bro, find us any hotties yet?!
(He downs a shot after he says that.)
Corez: US? Heh, I'll wait until ya pass out and then find ME one!
(He takes a drink as X flips him off.)
Xanthus: Hater, won't even get me a chick, making me team up with some joke who claims he's hardcore, damn you suck!
Corez: Fuck off, it ain't my fault your teaming with that Hank bitch, talk to management. As far as a chick goes, its also not my fault, you scare them off.
Xanthus: Guess I outta keep the monster zipped up the!
(He smirks and does another shot while Corez rolls his eyes.)
Corez: Please, I think feel sorry for ya actually, just not enough and then they turn to me laughing at you.
Xanthus: Fucker, I hope Nick whips yo ass Sunday.
Corez: Not likely. After watching him whip your ass and he did, I know what I gotta do to win, plus I'm better than you!
(He grins and X flips him off again.)
Xanthus: Well i do hope ya kick his ass, your still a douchebag!
Corez: Yea, yea, your just jealous I get be in a woman without having to rape her.
Xanthus: Nothing with rape brother, long as ya don't get caught!
Corez: Sick bastard, I'm a go talk to some girls, try to clean up my mind a little!
(He grins and grabs his drink walking away as X laughs and grabs his drink turning his back to the bar. He watches Corez walk up by a couple chicks laying by the pool and talks to them, already has them smiling and taking notice of him.)
Xanthus: Man, how the fuck does he do it and I can't get my ass away from this bar? Ah well, least I can handle more alcohol than him.
(He downs the rest of his drink and turns back setting it on the bar, signals for another and lays his arms on the bar.)
Xanthus: Be nice if that fucker became King of SEF, then two of us would have that accolade, though were already the kings of the company, we own this joint, er, SEF, heh. Hank ain't shit when it comes to hardcore, he don't half what I do about going into that ring and giving more than you have in your body, about bleeding out half your blood and still standing, being torn apart physically, mentally, and emotionally...he don't got a goddamn clue, but he is my partner and so be it. We got to deal with Chris Orton and Taylor Johnson, he, a prick and his chick, though Orton is the World Champ, it ain't gonna be easy, especially since me and Hank ain't gonna get along like our opponent will. I got one partner, my brother and I don't want to team with anyone else, especially a poser!
(The bartender brings him a new drink and X grabs it taking a big swig, then wipes his mouth.)
Xanthus: Hank, I'm far more hated than you are in the companies you brag about being hated in, I've been way more hated than you back in the days of MSN, I been blacklisted, outcasted, shunned from companies, screwed over and ganged up on, may as well have been the old west days when towns formed a gang and chased ya out with pitchforks. I earned a reputation for being a complete asshole, even got nicknamed the American Asshole, so ya wanna talk about being hated, get a clue.I'm a go to the ring Sunday and whip some ass, Orton's and Taylor's preferably, but ya get in my way and yours will do just fine, I don't need to win that bad!
(He smirks and takes a drink, then turns around ogling some hot chicks, Corez is talking up a storm, has the girls laughing and then he waves X over. X looks away like he didn't see and takes another drink, but Corez waves him over again and points him out to the girls. They start waving him over, so X downs his drink, sets the glass down and downs a shot, then gets up heading over that way. He shyly approaches and Corez pulls him over talking him up like he does, then the view fades to black.)

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