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Killa takes the Triple Threat Match and wins...

Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 09:34:53 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:47
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:11/07/2009 3:53 AMCopy HTML

 Camera comes in with Killa Wolf he standing shaking his head. He lost last week at extreme. It didn't matter ,he knew he has been kicking ass in the ring. He also knows he knows he's the next SEF champion soon. He smiles into the camera and begins to speak.

"Scorpion, please shut the fuck up. You are nothing in the ring. You can not do shit I can do. I am better then you. Yeah, I am the new kid on the block but you know what I am better then you. You want fuck Mack world up. Go on ahead, I'd just watch then take you out of the way and make the pinned. It's sounds fuck up right? I bet it does because you said your going end Mack career Sunday. I'll beat you because of your mistakes. Taylor, who the fuck is that? A no one that is like me or could be like me. A Tramp you said she is. Maybe, but I don't care. Mack you are a dead man no matter where you step to. I mean you got Suicide Hank after you, and now Scorpion. Wow, a lot of people just want take you out. It could be they know your better then them. But Mack, don't get it twisted. I am better then you, and will be at the top while your sitting in a wheel chair. Ha"
With that Killa Wolf ends with a short ass promo.

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