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D-Von, You , My Friend, Are Another Stepping Stone To My Crown!

Started by Liz, April 05, 2023, 09:39:18 PM

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Date Posted:12/07/2009 8:24 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

D-Von, You , My Friend, Are Another Stepping Stone To My Crown!
Music Inspiration For The R/P:
"Stupified" by Disturbed
People Mentioned/Used:
It's Not That Damn Important! Just Read The Fucking Thing And You Will Find Out!
(The scene fades in to a view of the interview area to where a man standing wearing a sleeveless black hoodie with a matching sleeveless shirt and blue jeans. The man is none other than Jordan Brooks. He bring a mic up and speaks.)

Jordan Brooks:
D-Von Dudley, man....I thought that we would meet in the ring but are gonna. But don't get it in your head that I will be easily beaten. Like I have been saying since I've been back. I've beat cancer and I will beat you. It's as simple as me getting you where I want you and then BAM.......I've nailed BAD on you and pinning you for the one..two...three....and I advance to the finals of the King of SEF tournament. D-von, I have much respect for you and your brother Bubba. I do but that's where respect comes at a heavy price and I will earn your respect. D-von, you are not gonna win this because I have so much hope that it's not frightening. This year, I have to prove to myself that I can still hang with the superstars here in SEF. You have nothing to prove because you have done it all in wrestling. A multi-time tag champion. That's all you need to do. So just hang it up. I've gotta have that crown of SEF on my head so I can go on to compete for the SEF World Heavyweight title. And then, I will let you compete for the title. Hehe....That is if you can last that long. See you in the ring, D-von. I'll be waiting for you!
(Jordan then drops the mic and walks off as the scene fades to black.)
This Layout Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz     Decker

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