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A Wolf, A Scorpion, And The Showsteala (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 09:41:46 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:12/07/2009 10:47 PMCopy HTML

(Not long to go until Extreme kicks off and we find Mack sitting where he usually is, on the sofa in Whitney's office. He's in his ring gear, IC Title around his waist, and he's sitting straight up, feet on the floor and hands on his thighs. A smirk is on his face, the camera focused on him and he's ready to go.)
MACK: So watcha ya all gonna do when Mackmania runs wild on you?!
(He cracks a bigger smirk now.)
MACK: I tell ya what, Scorpion, Killa Wolf, ya both gonna cower in fear of the seventeen inch anacondas brothers! Mack is gonna run into that ring tonight and whip both your asses from pillar to post, he's gonna tear it up like only he can, Mack is gonna give all the little maniacs a true hero. So remember kids, smoke that weed and drink some beer...
(He pauses and looks shifty eyed.)
MACK: Uh, I mean no, um, fuck, say your prayers and eat your vitamins...what the fuck? Nah, fuck praying, I don't believe in god, well except for myself that is!
(He grins big and then we hear Whitney's voice.)
Whitney Marret: Your not god!
MACK: Nah, just the next best thing, well hell, I'm probably better actually!
(We see Whitney at her desk just roll her eyes and shake her head, then focus back on Mack.)
MACK: Alright, so seriously now, Killa Wolf and Scorpion, both out to make a name at the expense of my own, one out for my blood and one a rookie wanting to be big dawg around here. Wolf, ya say I'mm be in a wheelchair son, heh, you got no clue boy. The only wheel chair reserved for anyone in our match will be for you, well, Scorpion too cause that boy got issues with me and this is gonna get personal as hell. He wants my blood, he wants to truly end my legacy, he despises me, hates me and why exactly?
(He pauses for a few seconds.)
MACK: He claims he's had bad runs in his career and that all of them are my fault, typical of a lot of stars in SEF history, claiming that Mack held them down, that Mack screwed them over, that Mack is biased! More bitterness from just another kid who can't make it in SEF on his own, so he has to spew lies. I've heard it before and I'll probably hear it again, especially with Whitney running SEF, I'm sure several people believe Mack is given this and that, but fuck what they think. I earned a status in SEF as the standard here because I worked harder than anyone else and that's proven by my years of loyalty. Scorpion, your gonna learn the hard way that this kick your on ain't gonna get you anything except for knocked the fuck out courtesy of the best kick in the business today!
(Mack looks dead serious now.)
MACK: And Wolf, try me boy, just you try me and see how good you measure up. Do your reasearch, gather some facts, get a fucking clue as to who the hell I am before ya run off your mouth writing a check that's put you in debt for the rest of your life! There's one winner and you boys are looking into his eyes right now...
(And those eyes of Mack's are intense as hell.)
MACK: I stated a coupled months back that I was out to prove something to myself, not anyone on the roster or to any fan, they don't expect me to anyways. Mack is winning tonight and next week, whatever match I'm in I'll win and then come Golden Glory, Suicide Hank in a Deathmatch...MY MATCH...your all gonna look at a double champion and his name won't be Hank, it'll be the name synomonous with SEF...MACK!
(He stands up now and walks over to Whitney leaning on her desk. She looks up at him, sees those eyes of business and then Mack leans down laying a kiss on her lasting like a minute or so, their still kissing when the camera finally gives them peace and fades to black.)

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