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You're a coward!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 05, 2023, 09:51:02 PM

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Date Posted:23/07/2009 2:15 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of Chris Orton that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

SEF presents "Golden Glory" came on the air, the scene opens up in the street where D-Von Dudley will fight SEF World Heavyweight Champion Chris Orton with the title on the line, and this feud started with D-Von Dudley attacking Chris Orton. D-Von Dudley challenge Chris Orton to a "Street" match which Orton glady accepted, and D-Von Dudley earn his title shot on "Extreme", so both men finally get settle their feud live on pay per view called "Golden Glory". SEF fans were going nuts looking forward to seeing Orton and Dudley go at it like never before on the streets, so the scene shows the streets where bottles, trash cans, long 2 x 4, tables, and park cars line up. The scene shows SEF World Heavyweight Champion Chris Orton walking on the sidewalk, so Orton looks around likes what he sees knowing his match will get bloody, and someone going to get hurt, but he hopes D-Von Dudley made the right decision challenging him to this match, because Orton has one thing on his mind that hurting and ending D-Von Dudley career in SEF, as he started speaking.

Chris Orton: Tonight on "Golden Glory", The match is set with SEF World Heavyweight Title on the line against a man who made a coward decision attacking me instead calling me out for a shot for my title, because D-Von Dudley is a coward thinking he going to be the man who ends my title regin in a match I never been in before in my career. You know what D-von ever since I came to SEF every single match that I been in always bring my best to everyone who step foot in this ring with me, and you are like everyone else who decides to make impact attacking me from behind instead doing man to man. No one on this roster got the balls to call me out like a man to my face just do the coward way attack me to make an statement that you want what I have on my shoulder. I didn't really care who I face at "Golden Glory", because I was on my knees praying that you will be the person I get to make an example of in this "Street" match.

Chris Orton looks around seeing lots of weapons that he can use to make D-Von Dudley suffer also end his career, as he started speaking again.

Chris Orton: As a teen walking on the sidewalk, I use to get beat up by bunch of punks thinking they are bad-ass, thug, or whatever trying to earn some money. This street where you and I represents that two men who are bad-ass going to fight with a title on the line, and it's not SEF World Heavyweight Championship, because the title we are fighting over who owns the streets. You see D-Von I don't care about your history about getting beat up means nothing to me, because when you and I face each other that bell rings it's going to be worst street fight that you ever experience in your life. You're a coward attacking me from behind instead doing it like a man, so you have to deal what you started, and I'll will finish it worst possible way. People say I will seek revenge on D-Von Dudley for attacking me, but I seek one thing that proving not only am I fighting champion any match that I been put in I will bring my very best to win. Take a look around everything you see is design have this match ended very quickly, but I'm not going to end this match quickly more like make D-Von bleed, suffer, and wish he never attack me in first place. Maybe I will show everyone just hardcore I can be against another hardcore wrestler like D-Von Dudley since he wrestles in "extreme" matches, so I guess D-Von has more experience being hardcore over me. You know what I been in hardcore matches where I bleed, suffer, wish I was never place in this match, but you know I am going to enjoy this match beating D-Von Dudley up so bad that he won't be able walk out of his own bed. Tonight on "Golden Glory", I will celebrate my glory in SEF as still your SEF World Heavweight Champion also proving everyone that I am indeed the very best in professional wrestling also in SEF!!!

#1 by Nelly hits the pa system, as Orton raise his title in the air with dead serious look on his face like he means every word he said, as "Golden Glory" starts the first match of the night.


This Layout Was Made For Chris Orton by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker

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