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SVD has arrived

Started by svd, April 05, 2023, 10:09:54 PM

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Date Posted:25/07/2009 4:29 PMCopy HTML

SVD-4.jpg picture by salmanvandam007

 Roleplay title
SVD  has arrived
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Damn I hate debutes.

 Salman Van Dam
SEF the company started in 2002 ,and during that time  they came loads of talent and many Van Dams of many generation came into the business.Starting with Rob Van Dam,Stone Van Dam and then the very famous Alex Van Dam.But now despite of all these greate Van Dams there is a new Van Dam and his name is Salman Van Dam ,now Mack contacted SVD a week ago and ask him to be a part of SEF and SVD said that he will think about it and after doing a lot of thinking the Hardcore Superstar has decided to join the ranks of Showstoppa Extreme Federation.

Our camera was panning around the SEF arena ,the crowd was cheering ,they were giving a standing ovation to the company when after few minutes on the titantron sreen a video begins as "Luck is the key"by Shruti and Clinton hits the p.a and on the video a message appears "He is here"...the crowd were getting excited on this.

Few minutes later as the video was playing another message popped out"He is here to entertain you all".

Then just before the song was about to stop one last message appeared"You all will love him,adore him.....Yes he is here to do what you all want him to do?so beware and be prepare for the arrival of Salman Van Dam"
 Disclaimer:This Layout is Made By Dam Design for Salman Mohsin 's use only and only for him.Please  do not steal it or edit in
anyway because stealing is wrong.If you want a layout like this then request one from Salman Mohsin ,cause he is the Dam Designer
and yes he made this layout whether you like it or not. 

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