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Never Better (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 10:17:17 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:02/08/2009 11:09 PMCopy HTML

(It was a hell of a show last Sunday, another huige event for SEF and another brutal deathmatch for Mack who really took a beating, but gave back more than 
he took and did what he said, he won. Now he is the unified International Champion, the IC Title being vacated. He did however get something else from the match, a small, minor arm injury. Later on during the night of Golden Glory when we saw Mack he was wearing a sling to support his arm and now as he sits in his hotel room on the edge of the bed he unwraps a bandage from his right arm, the cuts pretty well healed, but a bruise around his elbow still very visible. His head has a small bandage on it, but his arm took the worst. He lays the bandage on a bag and relaxes some, tries flexing his arm, but it looks to hurt him too much and so he just rests it on his leg and looks up. He wears black starter shorts and no shirt.)
MACK: So Hank, we tangled now didn't we? We went to hell and back, we went soaring off the ladder into electric ropes, into beds of death, we were blown up, we bled like pigs and we survived, but Hank...I won!
(A fire deep inside Mack shows in his eyes.)
MACK: I climbed my ass up that ladder, reached high with my one good arm and I pulled down one title, then a second title and I won, I told ya so Hank and now your looking at the International Champ. You did good though, I respected you before the match and after a deathmatch with you I hold more respect for you. Maybe it means shit to you, maybe you spit on my respect for you, but Hank, I don't care because I know your game, I been there before. Now me and you get to tangle one more time, tomorrow on Extreme, but not one on one. Its you and D-Von against myself and Orton, ya get to test yourself against two champions this time.
(He shifts his eyes down to his arm as he tries to move it around some, work the muscles to keep it from growing stiff, to heal it. Mack then looks back up.)
MACK: Maybe I'm a one armed man now, got a handicapped, maybe I'm an easy target now Hank, ya think? I hope not cause if ya do think this little ol' arm a mine is gonna hinder me, handicap me, ya don't know me at all. A small fracture and a large bruise, a couple weeks and its like nothing ever happened to it and the beauty is, no time off from doing what I love to do, so Mack is gonna be dancing around the SEF ring...MY ring as the International Champion for quite some time now. Could I get inured more, do I risk something major? Hell yea, but then again we all so just by stepping in the ring. Sure, I'm at a point where I could afford to step away and play it safe, but please, I never have and I doubt I ever will. Maybe when I'm sixty or seventy, heh, but then again, we'll see about that.
(He smirks and looks over towards the right, the view widens to see Whitney Marret at a table on her labtop wearing black, silk pajamas. She looks at him just smiling and rolling her eyes, then Mack looks back at the camera.)
MACK: Truth is Hank, I never felt better than I do now. I may miss ol' friends and ol' times in this busines...in SEF, but my mind and my body is better than ever, I'm on top of the world. AIn't you nor D-Von nor anyone gonna be able to bring me down, so keep on trying if ya like, its just gonna be a dead end deal for ya. Speaking of D-Von...damn man, ya never fucking change. All I gotta tell you is that if ya show up on Extreme I'm a kick you right the fuck out of SEF for good, so D-Von, don't show!
(Mack appears a little angered now, but calms down.)
MACK: Now then, Hank, I'll be seeing ya, but I'm a get me some rest right now, well, heh, maybe a little something more first!
(He winks and looks at Whitney who looks at him shaking her head.)
Whitney Marret: Yea, you wish you get something else!
MACK: Like I have to wish, just call you over or call one a my girlfriends!
(Whitney jumps up and tackles Mack on to the bed sitting on him and goig for his hurt arm.)
MACK: Ahhh, no, I'm injured, handicapped damn it...actually, this is perfect. You on top to do all the work, so I can save my energy!
(She pushes on his chest and Mack smiles.)
MACK: Oh yea, getting rough huh, about time ya did!
Whitney Marret: Oh my god, the cameras on, stop it!
MACK: Well turn it off unless of course ya wanna make some money off this!
(He winks at her and Whitney grabs a pillow smacking him with it, then whips it behind it right at the camera and its all we see before static and then darkness.)

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