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The Real Franchise And Damn Sure The Real King (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 11:36:12 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:15/08/2009 5:31 AMCopy HTML

(Early in the morning up in Canada, but where we open to you would never kn ow the time of day nor the place because its time for Scorpion to say a few words and the only time we see him anymore is consumed by darkness. So here we go to the bitter, pissed off individual who hates all those around him, here is Scorpion sitting in leather pants and a sleeveless black shit with his blonde hair flowing freely and eyes as cold as the artic.)
Scorpion: Jordan...you are not near royalty, your no king, your nothing special in or out of SEF. So what if you beat cancer, you can't beat me because I am far deadlier and way greater! I am the biggest star this company has ever seen and will ever see, I'm a living legend, I am the real fucking franchise in this entire business, I am damn sure the only reak King of SEF and if you got the balls big enough, then put up your little title against me at Gangsta Paradise!
(He smirks slightly knowing the punk out should get Jordan to accept cause if not he'll never live it down.)
Scorpion: Sunday night on Extreme we get lock up perhaps, a big old six man, er, person tag. You get to team with a worthless little girl who does nothing except meddle in other peoples business. Taylor Johnson, you find yourself in the ring across from me on Sunday and I will tear you apart, I will destroy you, I will make you wish you never entered SEF. You are the only reason Chris Orton holds the World Title today, you are what made him champion, you screwed me big time and so Taylor, Sunday night its time to put the screws to you and make sure you never...EVER...wrestle...again!
(He grins deviously.)
Scorpion: Now Jordan, your other partner is MACK...
(Anger fills his face, Scorpion looks ready to explode.)
Scorpion: That overrated, arrogant, cocky, pompus, asshole and I have much history...history of me owning him in the ring everytime we faced off. I am bigger than Mack, bigger than all of you pathetic washed out losers. Mack still has a bum arm from the deathmatch he screwed Hank out of winning, so he's not anywhere near ready to face the likes of me, he's out of his league even more so than he usually is. Hank is one of my partners as well and he wants payback on Mack from screwing him over, I know he does. My other partner is the returning Ares, heh, he too seems to have a problem with Mack, he and Hardcore Haz both as they just beat him down last week. Mack, your a marked man, that bum arm of yours is gonna be mangled after Sunday night, the rest of your body is gonna be crippled, your gonna be done in SEF...in all and all you'll be out on the shelf and never wrestle again. You and Taylor both I suppose, maybe the two of you will find comfort in each other and compare your beatings from myself, Hank, and Ares, maybe you'll find new lifemates or maybe you'll just sit back in pain for the rest of your miserable lives wishing you had never stepped foot in a ring with me!
(He stands now and slicks his hair back with his hands, then lets them drop at his sides.)
Scorpion: Jordan, your team lacks greatness while my team exudes it. Hell, if it were just me alone in this match my team would outshine yours, but its not and I am not gonna say I wish it you three on one, that'd be stupid. As great as I am, you three losers cheat every chance you get, so three on one would more like six on one against you cheating assholes. No, its gonna be as its booked and the outcome will be my team standing in victory over three beaten, pathetic losers who will never amount to anything in this business and that's just me shooting straight like only the real franchise can!
(He walks out of view now leaving us to look into the darkness.)

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