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Your A Joke (Hardcore Haz)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 11:37:15 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:15/08/2009 10:54 AMCopy HTML

(We find Haz walking around the backstage of the Copps Coliseum with a singapore cane hnaging from his right hand and a beer can in his other hand. He
looks pissed off as usual and scares a couple guys in headseats, smiles and tosse sback his beer, then throws the can after one of them. Haz pulls out a new beer from his pockets and cracks it, then leans against a locker room door and swallows down some beer. He lowers it and looks up at the camera shaking his head.)
Hardcore Haz: This chump STD or SAT or whatever his name is, SVD, Salman, heh, what a fucking joke. He finally decides he's ready for a match and he gets to face me anud well son, it ain't gonna be no match, its gonna be a beating of your life. I'm not gonna wrestle you, I won't even stand toe to toe and fight you, I'm gonna simply come at you fists a raging and canes a swinging and knock you the fuck senseless!
(He tosses back the rest of his beer and tosses the can down, then wip[es his mouth with his hand and wipes that on his pants.)
Hardcore Haz: Now your all talking to Mack wanting to team with him, what a bitch you and him are. Ya think you'll last a second or two in a tag match with a team like myself and Ares running around here, think again! Mack is old news, he needs to stick his ass in the back where he belongs, Mack ain't shit! Don't you worry STD, me and Ares will whip both your asses if ya do team up, over and over again we will if we have to. I doubt you'll make it past tomorrow night cause this cane here, I'm gonna shove it so far up your ass your gonna think your in singapore!
(He chuckles and pulls a beer from another pocket cracking it open and taking a swig.)
Hardcore Haz: Man, you ain't worth no more lines, I'm a go drink some fucking beer and get ready for a fucking fight, later loser!
(Haz laughs and tosses back his beer as he backs into the room. Ares is in there on the bench drinking beer. a cooler full of it near him. Haz tosses his empty down and sits on a chair close enough to the cooler and grabs a fresh one popping it open.)
Hardcore Haz: What's up ya son of a bitch?!
Ares: Just thinking about tomorrow, big ol' main event match for my return, perfect time to whip some ass, especially that fucking idiot Mack!
Hardcore Haz: Fuck yea, kill that asshole!
(They nod to each other, then raise up beers in a toast and slam them back spilling it down their necks, toss away the emoties and grab new beers as the view fades away to black.)

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