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Date Posted:17/08/2009 7:22 PMCopy HTML

The tron statics and CROW pops up on the screen in front of the whole SEF arena. He begins to speak.

CROW: You know, most of my career was surrounded by a gimmick of me being a vampire. But realizing that my now ex wife Midnight ruined most of my career, I have sought a newer life and am under the name CROW. So from now on, the mocking of me and the bunt of jokes...stop here right now. I have came to redo my career, not as some stupid fucked up gimmick, but as myself..my true self. And if you don't like it...BITE ME! Because I have came back to show that I am not be taken for granted. No more being overlooked and losing anymore matches. You want me..I'm here. And I refuse to hide in the shadows of this arena like a fucking coward. So in other words...I'm ready for a fight. Who's up for it?

CROW waits for an answer.

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