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universal6 star tag team

(Black Bob promo)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 11:53:08 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:23/08/2009 10:53 PMCopy HTML

(Moments to go before Extreme and its time for a few last words, especially since hardly anyone else has bothered to give any. So we find Black Bob who
returned to SEF a few weeks back and he stands by in front of the SEF logo on a mesh fence wrapped in barbed wire. His hands behind his back and Bob's eyes staring intently into the camera.)
Black Bob: I came back here to SEF originally looking to capture the Tag Titles, but failed to do so and my partner for that night went and teamed with someone else, so its back to singles action for me. Last week I faced Nick Torres and I took him to the damn limit, but I lost. I don't sweat it none, Nick is a big, tough son of a bitch and he's on a roll right now, he's heading into a World Title match, so my hats off to him. Tonight I got another chance to go out and prove I still got it and I get to break in a new kid, well new to SEF. Calls himself Crow, has experience in this business, but not much in SEF. Used be Ravyn Crow, some wannabe vampire, now he calims to be some real deal, no gimmicks needed!
(Bob just shrugs and shows no care.)
Black Bob: That's been my muthafucking motto since day one in life, well, I never used that line, that nickname, that catchphrase, is imply lived life that way, no gimmick, no substitute, no fakes, just me, the real me up in your face kicking your fucking ass! I ain't the worlds greatest wrestler, but then again I do know how to handle myself on the mat, I been trained by one of the very best in the world. I am a fighter though, I will fight you if your ten feet tall, I'll not back down or go down easy. I'm in SEF to be somebody, not to waste space, so whats your plan here Crow?
(He arches his left brow.)
Black Bob: Step up or get stepped on Crow, but either way your ass better be ready for a fucking fight in a half, ya best get ready to go all out and get knocked the fuck out! Black Bob's a coming up and down the block and I'm a not gonna be stopping anytime soon cause I just don't give a fuck!
(He brings his hands out in front of him flipping the camera off, then holds his head up sneering and walks off outta view. We just seen the backdrop and then the scene slowly fades to black.)

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