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(Nick Torres promo)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 06, 2023, 12:04:33 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:04/09/2009 11:37 AMCopy HTML

(Were in the usual promo spot, nothing spectular or different about it, so no need to go into detail when ya all know what it looks like.
Besides, its what the man who's about to speak natters the most, not the location the promo is delivered from. Nick Torres stands in front of the SEF backdrop dressed in his typical all black clothes, arms across his chest and a smirk on his face.)
Nick Torres: This Sunday I get to test myself against three other guys, but ya know what, I got something else on my mind and its about who I get to face one week later at Gangsta Paradise. Orton...Chris Orton, the World Champ of SEF, ya calling me out on claiming I'll be World Champo, saying I best bring it to Gangsta Paradise, that I best take notes on your match on Extreme. Orton, I think its you who best take notes because well you were taking time off, waiting patiently at home, well you were kicked back and relaxed I was in the ring pushing myself to the top physically and mentally. I've been tearing through everyone I faced to get ready for you and Orton, I'm ready!
(He reaches up pulling the shades off and just drops them to the floor, his arms drop to his sides and he looks dead serious.)
Nick Torres: I don't take time off and neither should the guy who represents the company, the so called World Champ. Yea Orton, you wanna call me out, then I'm calling your punk ass out. I never thought bad of ya, I alreasy respected ya, this will be a classic match and one that will end in the better man winning and a handshake to the winner, at least I hope it does. But Orton, you taking time off to relax, that's not a World Champion, nah. A World Champ busts his ass harder than anyone else in the company, you gotta be in the ring every night SEF has a show, you gotta be at every appearance SEF hosts, you have to be on call for the company. When they need you here you are there in an instant and the past few weeks ya haven't been. I on the other hand have been and will continue to be for as long as I am World heavyweight Champion!
(He pauses and smirks a little.)
Nick Torres: That sounds good and I fucking deserve that belt and if you truly feel you deserve to still hold it, then ya better step your game up. Regardless of what ya told me to do I'll be taking notes on your match, I'll study every move you and Hank make just I have been for years on all my opponents, especially big match opponents and there ain't no bigger match in my career right now than Gangsta Paradise, my night...my time...remember that Orton, now or never...the time is now!
(He swallows hard and shows that seriousness in his eyes once again.)
Nick Torres: Scorpion, Black Bob, and The Grand Minoru is who I have to get through in my road to the World Title. Now granted I get my shot regardless of winning, but I'm on a roll, a streak, and I ain't planning to end it anytime soon. I got two former World Champs on Extreme and a crazy, reckless, suicidal, hungry wrestler all looking to end my roll I'm on and put themselves in position for a World Title shot. Knocking off the number one contender would be great, but this contender ain't gonna be knocked down anytime soon. I'm going to Extreme to win and the same for Gangsta Paradise especially. Chris Orton, heed your own advice if you expect to survive let alone win!
(He shows no smirk and just slowly slides his hands into his jean pockets and casualkly turns walking away from the view. We rest on the SEF logo now, nothing else seen, so now the scene goes to black.)

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