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I'm a bad man!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 06, 2023, 01:13:43 PM

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Date Posted:03/11/2009 1:09 PMCopy HTML

 SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene open up with Chris Orton in his locker room, and he is preparing himself for his "Hardcore" match against Jordan Brooks with SEF World Heavyweight Title on the line, so Chris Orton decided to address the match also his feeling about accident that took place.

Chris Orton: You know everyone is still talking about what happen last week involving SEF superstars no longer with us, and it's sad to hear Nick Torres, Xanthus, Troy Storms, Viper, and the list goes on and on aren't with us anymore, but their spirit will live on in SEF. I respect these guys since I met them in the ring, and I will always remember them and pray they are in happy place right now.

SEF fans are heard clapping hearing Chris Orton addressing what happen, so Orton continues to speak.

Chris Orton: With Nick Torres gone, SEF World Heavyweight Title is up for grabs, and I'm wrestling Jordan Brooks in a "Hardcore" match. As much I feel pain inside of me over what happen, I know these guys would want us to continue kick ass to make SEF the best damn company in professional wrestling. Tonight on "Extreme", it's time to take that next step create superstars and great feuds in SEF, and SEF fans are going to see one in the main event involving myself and Jordan Brooks. Jordan and I have never like each other, but I know he is in my way becoming SEF World Heavyweight Champion for twice time, and I'm looking forward to facing him, but he thinks he knows me don't make me laugh, because I'm a bad man who you should not mess with. I think it time for everyone to see "real" Chris Orton meaning I'm going to start hurting people ending their careers, and Jordan Brooks is the first person I plan on ending his career. I'm glad this match is "Hardcore" which means I can do whatever the hell I want in this match, and I'm going to enjoy bashing Jordan Brooks skull in over and over and over again until he dead laying in that ring. Tonight on "Extreme", Jordan Brooks should be careful what he says about me, because I'm going to be listening to what he has to say, and everything he has to say might be bullshit. Jordan Brooks, I suggest you think long and hard what you are getting yourself into, because when that bell rings it's you vs me with SEF World Heavyweight Championship on the line also who going to rule SEF as the number one guy in this business, so you bring your best and I will do the same. I'm going to predict victory over you, but I'm going to hurt you like no one has, and I will become a two-time SEF World Heavyweight Champion.

"You're going down" by Sick Puppies blares on the pa system, and SEF presents "Extreme" went to a commercial break. 

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