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Chris, You Are Gonna Get Yours Tonight!

Started by Liz, April 06, 2023, 01:14:49 PM

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Date Posted:03/11/2009 1:47 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

Chris, You Are Gonna Get Yours Tonight!
Music Inspiration For The R/P:
"The River" by  Good Charolette featuring Avenged Sevenfold
People Mentioned/Used:
It's Not That Damn Important! Just Read The Fucking Thing And You Will Find Out!
(The scene fades to a view of a man standing in front of the interview area and the man is wearing a black dress shirt, pants, and dress shoes. He has the King of SEF title slung over his left shoulder. The man is none other than Jordan Brooks. He still looks like he did last week when the news of the accident. He then speaks his mind.)

Jordan Brooks:
Chris, you are a very insecure person. I mean, you threatening to end my career and my life tonight. Go ahead, boy. I dare you! You know nothing. You are the one that is in my way to my title. That right, Orton. I have already claimed that title for myself. And you know nothing of being hardcore. Tonight, you will get a little lesson from me. You are not the one that's destined to have that title. I am. I've worked to damn hard and too damn much to let a little punk ass bitch like yourself stop me from getting my reward. I've beaten cancer. And like cancer, you will be the one that will submits to me and I will walk out the NEW SEF World Heavyweight Champion. I'm sorry that you think that you will get the second title run this time around. I won't let you walk out with my title. I won't! I can't let you. This, my friend, is my time to shine. You've sat back and said that I all I've done is sit at home and watch from a distance while guys like you bust your ass. You are so wrong but what can I do? Nothing but make sure that you are the one flat on your back and with me holding the richest prize in this business. Don't get it twisted. Just remember that you are the one that will be the loser. Not me! And I will dedicate my match to my greatest mentor ever, Viper. In my match, I will channel him and destroy you! Get ready and always remember, use Protection. Because tonight, you are gonna need it!
(Jordan walks off as the scene fades to black.)
This Layout Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz     Decker

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