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Alone in the Dark

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 02:11:41 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:18/11/2009 12:24 PMCopy HTML


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:Alone In The Dark
OOC message: Anyone want to finish that's what it's here for.

Nikky Venom was on his way back to his apartment at 1:00 am. He is hammered drunk and a little stoned. Whatev' it was a normal night for Venom. What he discovered was that he Kieth Richards, he could not die from conventional means. Basically, he coould drink and do drugs all he wanted and the only way he will die is if someone shot him several times in the head or heart. His heart will not stop beating by itself, it will only stop if the brain stops working or if something penetrates the heart. Even then he'll live for at least a month. 

As he walks through the valley of darkness he calls downtown Detroit at nighttime, he suddenly gets a urge to go to McDonald's. Nothing said I had a hard night like McDonald's, with all that fat getting pumped into you, it has to make you feel better. So he goes into the first one he sees.

"Yes could I get a grease burger extra grease?"

"Excuse Me?!?!"

"I said, a grease burger extra grease. Are you slow or just retarded?"

"Sir, Get Out Right Now Before I Call The Cops."

"Whatev' fat ass."

He left without any trouble and laughed when he left, making fun of someone at McDonald's. He knew shortcuts all across Detroit, I think that's why he's never been caught by...well anyone! They couldn't find him! He went down a dark alley close to his house when something touched is shoulder.

TBC: Anyone


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Re:Alone in the Dark
Date Posted:18/11/2009 12:55 PMCopy HTML

OOC: I don't mind you using the layout hun..have fun with it..lol. Hope you don't mind me bringing Venom to my mansion..lol

He turns around and sees it is the Vampiric Bitch herself, Midnight. He looks at her while still drunk and goes to laugh when she speaks.

Midnight: You know..if you wanted to sneak around, you could do a better job Venom. I suggest not be so plastered next time.

Venom had a look of who the hell are you on his face as wondered what Midnight wanted. Midnight though usually didn't like to associate outside her family, and rarely did she care what others did, but for some reason, Venom caught her attention and she was curious to what this superstar was all about. Midnight turned around and punched in the face, knocking him out cold and then holstering him up on her shoulder and made her way to her mansion, Blood Manor. She lived alone ever since her divorced from Ravyn Crow and decided that since she won the settlement to keep her beloved place, she wanted some company and to know more about this person.
She arrived at her home and walked in as her maid Jenna watched.

Jenna: Another victim, Miss Midnight?

Midnight: Nope. This one is for studying purpose. See that I am not disturbed. I'll be in my room.

Midnight went up the winding steps that lead up to her hallway that had 5 rooms to it. She walked to the other end and then stepped inside her room, throwing him down on her bed and tucking him in under the covers. She then stood by the window all night watching him and watching for the sun to come up. The next morning Venom slowly awoke and sat up, not too fast as he had a hangover as Midnight walked over and then spoke.

Midnight: I see someone has a headache. Here..take these. It will clear up your headache fast.

She pointed to the glass that had some sorta liquid to it. He drunk it and then spoke.

Venom: Who are you? And why am I here?

Midnight folded her arms.

Midnight: I was going to ask the same thing about you.  Judging by some of your markings on your body...your part of our society somehow.

Midnight was talking about the Dark Shadow Society. An elite clan that works for the government to weed out the dangerous criminals and destroy them before they do harm to their prey. They are elite in a sense no one knows the other secret members of the clan. Only the founder, Midnight knows what is going on at all times.


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Alone in the Dark
Date Posted:18/11/2009 6:02 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:Alone in the Dark
OOC message:Midnight, are you hitting on me(well Nikky)? Also I don't know how you'd continue this 

Oh Snap! Dark Shadow Society! Nikky has never heard of them before but he felt dead if he didn't. I didn't occur to him that he could never die, he was inde-fucking-structible. Whatev' she was able to scare Venom so he was impressed, he was a bit drunk still but whatev' he was able to not be scared. He tried to think it over in his head, but his head was killing him so he thought with his fists-usually his fists make the right choice, if they want to punch someone no one could stop them- and decided not to try and fake it.

"What the hell are talking about?"

"Probably, memory loss from the blow last night," Midnight thought to herself.
"Where am I?"

"You're safe."

"I was in danger?"

"You were hammered drunk singing Celine Dion, and something could've happened to you in that dark alley. I saved you."

"You saved me? Even if I am hammered I know these streets like the back of my hand, and I'm better at fighting drunk then sober."

Midnight had a disgusted look on her face.

"Thanks anyway though, at least I made myself a new friend." Venom had a half smile on his face. Midnight's disgusted look turn into a smile as well.

TBC: Anyone

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Alone in the Dark
Date Posted:20/11/2009 3:24 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain material not suitable for all ages. Harsh language, violence, and sexual content may be present. Can You Handle It? Well then, Read On or F**k Off!!! It's your choice. Just remember I warned you!

live while the whole world dies.

Damn, it's been what 10 minutes if that and already he feels better. Looks like he'll have to go out drinking and meeting vampire bitches every night, so far it's been great for him. Nikky rubbed his head and felt a bump thinking "What the hell happen to me last night? Maybe I was in danger." He quickly got that thought out of his head when a lady walks into the room.

"I am Jenna, the maid. Do you need anything? Food, water, an escape?"

"Wait What? An escape? Why would I need one?"

"Miss Midnight, brings home "friends" all the time. When they want a to get lucky she gets them killed."


"She's a vampire, she will make you one of her victims"

"What the fuck are you talking about bitch?"

"Escape while you can."

"What are you talking about?"

She leaves and drops some keys purposely, Nikky looks confused but knows she's hiding something, never the less he took he advice and escaped. He quietly makes it down the hallway, and down the stairs but is caught by Midnight.

"Where are you going?"


"You can't, you must stay here."


"Because I said so."

The screen turns black, with Midnight approaching Nikky.

RP Title

Alone in the Dark

People Used/People Mentioned

Nikky Venom, Midnight







OOC Comment(s)



Disclaimer: This layout was made for Nikky Venom by C aka .Cruel Intentions. at Diamonds Are Forever. Want One? Go and request your very own. Otherwise, fuck off and hands off this one!


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Re:Alone in the Dark
Date Posted:20/11/2009 4:26 PMCopy HTML

OOC: Sorry if my history of Midnight is a bit confusing to you..just bare with me as I help you understand her more.

Nikky nervous looked at her as she smiled. He thought that Midnight was going to devour him,which wasn't the case. She wanted to find out some things and make an ally. Besides, Midnight was trying to loosen up some after all she had gone through over the years and she need to stop being such a bitch towards people that honestly wasn't after her. She motioned for him to sit down as she spoke.

Midnight: Don't worry...I am not going to bite you. I done had my meal and besides..I only want to talk, nothing more. So you can relax. As for my maid..don't mind her..she's new. She doesn't know me well enough to know I do not attack all the time, unlike I sense something bad. And you..I sense a normal guy who is new in the business.

Venom: That's good to know. I guess I wasn't sure what to think of you. Afterall, I don't know the history of your kind.

Midnight chuckled.

Midnight: I understand. Most do not take the time out to learn about us. We are actually peaceful people. We watch over the humans but somehow the media has got us in a bad light. Anyways, I want to know what your purpose for being in SEF and what makes you think your World champion material?

Before he can answer, Bethany walks into the room and smiles at her cousin Midnight. She walks over,hugs her and then turns to the new guy. She speaks.

BKS: So cousin...who's the hot looking stud? Your tasty meal?

Midnight: No. He's the new guy in SEF. I was about to find out why he is there and what makes him think he's championship material concerning the World title.

BKS: Oh I see. Well anyways, Lord Oliver informed me to tell you that everything is prepared at the mansion and that your to call him immediately after your done with him.

Midnight: Ok. I want you to give this to my ex hubby Ravyn. Tell him Joachim was last seen leading the Hell's army north of Romania and that he needs to contact me for further instructions to cut him off.

BKS: Yes Midnight.

Midnight hands her a scroll and Bethany runs out of the room as Nikky looks confused. Midnight motions for him to follow her to the dungeon of the mansion where she begins to explain things to him.

Midnight: Centuries ago, my people lead the fight with Dracul to put an end to the war with Hell's Army and my ex husband Joachim Armster. Joachim at one time controlled me with his mind until my ex hubby Ravyn won the rights to take me. Since then we have battled to finally keep the land of Romania with our people. Joachim's quest is to kill us and take over and we must not let that happen, or our kind will be wiped out. I am almost 500 years old in vampire years, which makes me an elder to most of our race. Lord Oliver is king and master elder. Ravyn, my ex hubby, is half vampire half human. I am as well. I know this sound riduculous but I am who I am..not by choice. I was forced this way by my ex husband Joachim,who is a betraying vampire elder. Look at this here. This is the whole ancestry of our race of people from Dracul to me.



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Re:Alone in the Dark
Date Posted:20/11/2009 11:44 PMCopy HTML

Megan watched from outside the window as her cousin, Midnight, chatted with the new guy. He was cute but she wasn't about to get close to anyone but family. You can only trust family. Megan carefully slide her way back along the lip of the wall. She climbed back into her room and sat on her bed, brushing her hair out and putting them in pigtails. Jenna knocked on the door. Jenna was the only one Megan was kind to.

Jenna: Ms. Megan, can I get you anything?

Megan shakes her head no before jumping off the bed and kissing Jenna's cheek and sliding into the room where Midnight and Nikky were. She stayed in the shadows, knowing Midnight would find her soon. Megan just sat on the floor, listening to Midnight speak. Midnight's voice always seemed to calm her and keep her in line.


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Re:Alone in the Dark
Date Posted:21/11/2009 12:02 AMCopy HTML

Midnight's nose sensed Megan nearby and she spoke out loud towards her little cousin.

Midnight: You know Megan..if your ever going to be well hidden..you will have to do better then that.

Megan sticks out her tongue. Midnight chuckles and shakes her head.

Midnight: Such attitude. Your just like your big sister Bethany. You are lucky I love you lots little one.



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Re:Alone in the Dark
Date Posted:21/11/2009 12:09 AMCopy HTML

Megan snickered softly before walking out of the shadows to stand next to Midnight. She rests her chin on her cousin's shoulder, looking at the new guy.

Megan: Midnight, I wasn't trying to hide. I was just...blending in with my surroundings.

Megan moves for the door and stops.

Megan: Midnight, can I use the gym?

Midnight: Go for it, little one. Just be careful.

Megan walked out of the room, heading for the gym for a little practice.

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