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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Date Posted:23/11/2009 2:13 AMCopy HTML

A late Sunday night spent inside a small town bar, not a huge crowd, just ten locals or so inside closing down the place like they do every, single night. Maybe for some smaller towns that is a big crowd, but hey, compared to what two of the patrons inside have witnessed inside bars every night of the week, it's a small crowd. Mack and Julie, their inside this bar, location, who knows and who cares. Julie is sitting at a table with her legs crossed sporting leather pants and a white tank top. Her leather jacket hangs on her chair and another chair at table has Mack jacket on it. He is up shooting some pool, running the table on some local boy. Julie sips away on a bottle of Becks, a few guys been turning their heads since she's been in there, they continue to look and who cares. Julie is all smiles and Mack presents himself like always, over the top and in your face, but deep down he's studying and thinking every single step of the way, heh, what a true freak of nature he is. And so he slams in the eight ball ending this game, with about five solids left on the table, the other guys. Mack tosses down the cue and speaks friendly to the guy, joking around.
"Ha, looks like I whooped ya again, so where's the beer brotha?!"
The guy just sets his cue down and shakes his head putting on a smile.
"Yea, yea, I'll order it now. Your pretty good man."
He walks to the bar and Mack says.
"Just a good night for me, gonna be an awesome week and plenty to come!"
The guy just keeps on to the bar, nods his head and orders up a couple beers. Mack walks on over to Julie who uncrosses her legs letting Mack step in between them. She hangs her left arm up around his neck and takes a drink of her Becks, then sets it down and puts her other arm around his neck. They lock eyes and starts to look semi serious when the dude who lost at pool walks over setting a Bud Light on the table and says.
"There ya go man, paid in full, so how about another?"
Mack grabs the bud and guzzles down about half, then belches and says.
"Were gonna head outta here bro, about closing time anyways right?"
The other guy just shrugs and says.
"Yea, guess it is and if ya gotta go its no big deal. I'll practice up on someone else and if ya ever get back this way I'll whoop YOUR ass!"
They share a laugh and Mack steps away from Julie some to shake the guys hand. They then raise their beers and Julie raises hers, they toast and drink 'em down, Mack slamming his and sets down the bottle. The other dude heads to the bar as Julie takes a second drink to empty her bottle. She pulls Mack back in between her legs and plays with the collar of his button up black shirt while saying.
"So where we head to after this?"
Mack just shrugs and says.
"Go crash at the motel I suppose, get up tomorrow and go do another house show, then party all night, never gets old does it baby?!"
Julie just smiles and shakes her head no.
"It doesn't, not with you, that's for sure!"
She pulls Mack close pressing their lips together and Mack reaches over her shoulders pulling her tight, rubbing her back as they begin to kiss real passionately now. After a few minutes we hear the bartender calling the last call of the night and that kind snaps the two out of their kiss. They look at each other and just smirk, then Mack grabs his jacket pulling it on as Julie pulls hers on. The two friends walk for the door waving to the locals and then head on out into the night air. Julie hangs on Mack, kisses him on the cheek and they get to their bike. Mack grabs a helmet handing it to Julie, then grabs another putting it on himself. He then hops on the bike kicking up the stand and starting it up, He revs it some as Julie hops on behind him and wraps her arms around him tightly pressing her head to his back. Mack grins and just peels outta there not stopping to merge on to the road and they disappear into the darkness where many claim to know what goes on, but really have no fucking clue. They only disappear into the darkness cause its nightfall, the sun is shining elsewhere in the world, its science you dumbfucks, stop being blind. But hey, Mack and Julie are gone, but not for good of course, just going to rest up some like we all do, but most can't admit to. Will we see them again before Extreme, heh, ask them cause like everyone else, this narrator does not know enough to answer it. When we do see them though, something big is gonna happen, this return to the ring on Extreme, no one has a clue, not even I, so we bid you all farewell for now and like the early morning hour gives us, we fade to black.

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