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Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 06, 2023, 05:02:12 PM

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Date Posted:24/11/2009 5:09 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Jordan Brooks, Bethany Sporrow, SVD
Roleplaying for the show!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme' is on the air, the scene show footage of Jordan Brooks laying out Chris Orton with a steel chair, and blood was shown from Orton forehead coming down to his face. Jordan Brooks/Chris Orton feud is really got SEF fans talking, and some say this feud might top all other SEF feuds had. The scene shows Chris Orton arriving with nasty scar on his forehead, and SEF fans gave him massive pop reaction, so he looks at small television screen seeing himself in blood. Orton turns around looks straight into the camera started speaking to everyone about what happen last week and his upcoming match on "Extreme".

Chris Orton: Last week on "Extreme", Jordan Brooks decided to once again make a statement to get another shot at SEF World Heavyweight Title by bashing my skull in leaving a scar on my forehead. Jordan Brooks, you have any idea what you done by having me taste my own blood. You want take things to the "Extreme", but you have no idea just how "extreme" I can be trust me you going to find out.

Chris Orton smiles very evil kind of way, and he licks his lips started talking about what he say before.

Chris Orton: How about you and I fight again in "First Blood" match for SEF World Heavyweight Title, and you have edge over me with this scar on my forehead, but I'm going to leave a mark on your skull on "Extreme"..Tonight!

SEF fans went crazy hearing Orton challenge to Brooks in a "First Blood" match, so Orton continues to speak about upcoming match on "Extreme".

Chris Orton: Tonight on "Extreme", I'm teaming up with SVD against Jordan Brooks and his partner Bethany Sorrow in tag team action, so I know Bethany and Jordan are going run this mouths like they better than us, and we got no chance in winning. I bet you feel that way just because I'm teaming up with SVD, and you feel maybe you got edge over us. I know SVD can bring it in the ring, and he knows I got his back, so if anyone has an edge over anyone it's us not you two losers! Go ahead, you losers can run your mouth all day saying you going to win, but myself and SVD are going to win that's the way it is...Losers!

"Your'e Going Down" by Sick Puppies hits the pa system, and Orton walks away. The scene started faded black.

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