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Deathly Hollows (threads)

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 05:23:51 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:03/12/2009 5:41 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain material not suitable for all ages. Harsh language, violence, and sexual content may be present. Can You Handle It? Well then, Read On or F**k Off!!! It's your choice. Just remember I warned you!

live while the whole world dies.
Wow Megan has snapped, god wasn't expecting that, she was only training with Midnight(wink wink). The funny thing is that she now has a never give up, and never back down attitude, which is funny because doesn't everyone do that? It's the oldest (and least exciting) gimmick in the book, everyone has tried to make it work and no one ever has except HOGAN. Then again, looking back at his career I think he should've lost a lot of matches i.e. Wargames 1996 Team Hogan vs. Team Taskmaster. Well let me tell you something Sorrow, you will not be a HOGAN and Nikky Venom prove it at Extreme.

"You know I've recently heard that Sorrow has recieved the Intercontinental Championship, and aside from not winning it, I don't think she has deserved it. You see she has done less than I have and she doesn't get a shot at it, but the whole damned belt. I may not be the smartest man, but I don't think that she should have it without winning it, therefore I'm putting out a ultimatum. 1. face me for the title and prove that you deserve the title. or 2. face me in a non-title match and if I win, I get a title match and pick the stips. That's it, those are your choices, or will you run from the greatest threat of your life, The Devil's Saint?

With that out there, I'd also like to bring up what you said to me Megan.

Let's Watch"
Done? Ok

"It don't matter who you're fighting for you just like the others will fall to the Fuckstar Press. In fact I remember kicking your ass during my debut.

Again Let's Watch"
Done? OK

"That was fun, and just like then, I will woop your ass and break you soo bad that every higher of every religion put together could not save you. I will crack you with Bad Time, Destroy you with the World-Wide Suicide and finally, I will kill you (literally) with the Fuckstar Press.

You know one thing stuck out in my mind, what was it... 'You won't last against me' again do you remember my debut? 'You think you can stop me' Well I did it before. 'You may be "The Devil's Saint" but you ain't his mistress.' Well I am a man soooo. Seriously, that was terrible, just terrible. I understand Midnight is guiding you in your wrestling career, but I don't understand why she's letting you make a fool of yourself. 'Nikky, tonight, you will fall before me. You will indeed wish you had never stepped foot in the ring with me.' Well I did and was very sucessful, Megan I feel sorry for you, because if you think Midnight tortured you...I'm 20 times worse! Good night and Sweet Dreams Sorrow!"

He blows a kiss to the camera, as the camera fades away.
RP Title
Deathly Hollows
People Used/People Mentioned
Nikky Venom, Bethany Sorrow, Megan Sorrow, Midnight
No One
Megan Sorrow and The Dark Shadow Society a little
Midnight/Megan and Bethany Sorrow and Midnight
OOC Comment(s)
Think your next move out first.
Disclaimer: This layout was made for Nikky Venom by C aka .Cruel Intentions. at Diamonds Are Forever. Want One? Go and request your very own. Otherwise, fuck off and hands off this one!

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