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Jesus Of Suburbia

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 05:27:29 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:05/12/2009 8:57 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
Beating somebody
is punishing them physically and mentally.
Roleplay Title:Jesus Of Suburbia
OOC message:You may have won that match, but you got lucky. 
"Well well, Megan Sorrow managed to pull one out of her hat. Well I guess I underestimated her, just know that that will never happen again. You-and everyone else- thinks you beat me. Well let me tell you, that is a lie. Beating somebody is punishing them physically and mentally, you may have won the match, but you did not punish me in either way. I'm one who is hard to break, unlike your cousin Midnight. You my not know this, she may not even know this consciously but I have gotten myself stuck in there. Now that's victim number one who I can beat any day, because if she sees me in danger she must come save me. I see how she looked at me during the match before you hit me with your finisher, I could see the panic. Hell if had been someone else, she would've told you to beat them more, but again, I'm in there. That's why they call me The Panic In The Motor City

Sometimes I feel like I'm friggin Jesus of this sick play I call life... Of this messed up suburbia. I am the man who stands up when something is mocked, the swing vote of popular and unpopular. I'm not afraid to step up to the plate as long as it's for what I believe in. I've done everything you could imagine, from punching out a guy thrice my weight- and walked away with new found respect, hype, and fear from others- to drugs at one point. I'd do everything and payed the price. I've lost everything...Even my life. Now I'm starting from the bottom and already I'd put myself in the top 5 easily. Megan Sorrow this Sunday it doesn't matter whether or not I win, the thing that matters is that I beat you.

Megan Sorrow, you are the least of my worries though, I've got Tyler Orton (who I destroyed before), SVD (who I could beat), Taylor Johnson, Jordan Helmsley (who I beat before...I think), annnnddd MACK!?!? I've had very little contact with him. I do believe that he should be fighting for a higher title, than the Intercontinental but whatev' I'll beat him too. There is no one who will stop me on my way to the top, but I will make a pitstop just to kick your ass Sorrow. I don't care who you will throw in my way I will end up hitting you with the Fuckstar Press. In conclusion, Sorrow who will save you when all you can do is fall below me?
TBC: Anyone

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