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Nikky Venom...You're NEXT!

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 05:28:25 PM

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Date Posted:05/12/2009 9:25 PMCopy HTML

Midnight appears on the screen and isn't in the very best moods. Her eyes were glowing dark red as she spoke.

Midnight: It has come to my attention that Nikky seems to think that I am somehow his bitch..but the fact remains is that Nikky..was nothing but a fool. You see Nikky, and I do hope you pay close attention when I say this, but you was played liked the little imp you have always been. You honestly thought I care anything about you when everyone knows that I am a heartless bitch...hellbent on my own needs and wants in the professional world of wrestling. I cater to no one, there as I do not need anyone like you in my life. You must come to grips with facts and know that you was nothing but used so that I can pump you for information, and I got what I wanted out of you.  Your no saint kiddo, nor are you anything but a loser in life. You will never get far in this business as long as I am in your path. Trust me...I am going to destroy the man named Nikkyh Venom. Expect the Unexpected!

The screen goes black.


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