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Bravo, Nikky

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 05:53:25 PM

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Date Posted:10/12/2009 5:40 PMCopy HTML

Megan lay on the floor of the shower dressed in a pair of shorts and a sports bra, letting the hot wash over her to relax the sore spots of her body. She looks up at the camera. Her hair stringy and clinging to her forehead. She sits up, leaning agianst the wall, and hugs her knees to her chest. She glances up at the camera, looking hurt but innocent.

Megan: Yeah. I'm hurt. So what? That's the price you pay to get to glory. I must say, I went up against some good people last night. Mack was kicking ass. That's a good thing. Nikky, hell, he gave me a workout I won't ever forget.

Megan turns the water off and takes a towel from the cameraman and wraps it around herself. Megan just stands there, smirking.

Megan: I just want to say congrats, Nikky. You deserved that win. Hell, I think you and Bethany will be a great match in the ring. Both of you are ruthless. I can't wait to see that match. As for the pain you inflicted on me last night, thank you. You see, the more pain I receive, it just pushs me that much harder to train to feel no pain. Also, Nikky, I want to wish you luck when you go up against Bethany.

Megan walks out of the bathroom and into her room, closing the door and closing the cameraman out.

TBC By: Nikky or Myself

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Bravo, Nikky
Date Posted:14/12/2009 6:39 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain material not suitable for all ages. Harsh language, violence, and sexual content may be present. Can You Handle It? Well then, Read On or F**k Off!!! It's your choice. Just remember I warned you!
unf.jpg image by real_thing_shakes
live while the whole world dies.
A few seconds pass when the cameraman puts his camera down and take off his hat and fake 'stash revealing himself to be Nikky Venom. He leaves the washroom area into the hallway of the living quarters of the DSS. As he walks the hallways he hears footsteps coming up the staircase. As natural reaction Nikky hides in the closest room available. He notices quickly that it was the bedroom of one Ms. Megan Sorrow. The footsteps grow closer and someone tries to get in. Nikky again hides this time in the closet, waiting for the person to leave.

Today was not Nikky's day, but you can now guess who entered...Megan-fucking-Sorrow. Not the maid-who Nikky was hoping for- but Megan Sorrow. It seemed like she was taking her time for something but Nikky couldn't see that much through the slots in the closet door. It looked like she was lying down...CRAP!!! She's going to bed!

Nikky sneaks out of the closet and remembers an old film of a guy who hypnotises someone in there sleep. Being the superior king of awesome, Nikky of course had to try it. He goes beside Megan and whispers something in her ear, ending it with "...and when you hear the phrase 'Lets go Nikky' you will instantly hate the DSS and help me out. The only way out is for the ring bell to sound." Nikky sneaks out of the house and gets away from the DSS untouched.
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You willing to play this for a few weeks Megan?
Disclaimer: This layout was made for Nikky Venom by C aka .Cruel Intentions. at Diamonds Are Forever. Want One? Go and request your very own. Otherwise, fuck off and hands off this one!


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Re:Bravo, Nikky
Date Posted:14/12/2009 12:38 PMCopy HTML

BKSSEFInternationalChampion.jpg picture by JennyHarris75

Who Nikky thought was Megan aslee in the bed was really Bethany. Bethany had crawled into Megan's bedroom to sleep. Her room was being cleaned and she was too tired to kick out the maid who was cleaning. Bethany heard what Nikky whispered in her hear, nodding in her sleep.

OOC: Nikky, sending you a message explaining some things.

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