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Initial Contact [Orton R&R]

Started by Chris Mendryk, April 06, 2023, 07:43:19 PM

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Chris Mendryk

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Date Posted:15/12/2009 12:24 PMCopy HTML


SEF, Once a premier federation on the MSN network, has now become so shallow, so low that people like Chris Orton are champions. Its a sad day when you look at this federation, it can't continue much longer when you have SVD streamlining the competition and almost pulling off victories, it's a shame really. So what do you do? You hire The Phenom.

That's Right...
 The Phenom

Whether or not the talent here will be happy that I came, is beyond me, and I couldn't care less if Chris Orton shivered in his booties or if Mack had a heart attack, it's all about the dollar bills and the gold. And trust me, it'
s not like the fans know what they are talking about either when they boo or cheer for a star, so their opinion means less then the tears from cutting an onion.

So what am I here for you ask? Well it surely isn't to get along with the scum that has now filled the once great SEF, no, it's to re-build what was, and make this federation capable of actually competing with the top feds that circle this place, like vultures, waiting for SEF to collapse, just... waiting.

So you best begin to take notes, you best begin to realize that the champion in Chris Orton that some of you seem to idolize is about as pathetic as the cat that couldn't get out of the paper bag. And I truly, mean that with all disrespect intended, this federation has went from riches to rags, and it's about damn time someone tried to fix that, well that's actually capable of changing anything.

The camera pans the SEF arena as "Bleed American" By Jimmy Eat World hits the PA system as the lights begin to flicker red and black as the crowd begins to roar as they know exactly who is coming out to the ring. The lights flicker even faster, but sticking in pace with the beat as Chris Mendryk now walks onto the stage as the uproar continues as he stops prior to walking onto the stage as he is staring straight forward, standing with his arms a little out from his sides as his legs are spread apart. Chris begins to slowly lower his head as he looks down at the ground as his arms both rise simultaneously as Chris joins his hands above his head as he continues to look down as you can see he begins to move his feet as he switches heel, to toe, with both feet, one always on the opposite of the other as he bends his knees to a 90 degree angle then pushes back up as he lowers his arms in front of his head with them still joined together as he looks up now as pyro's fly off behind him as he grins as the crowd is still right hyped up as Chris begins to walk down the stage as he hit's the hands of a bunch of fans as he grins and walks right to the apron as he stands at the side of it for a minute as he turns to his left as he walks towards the ring steps as he then hit's the hand of one lucky fan who is right there, as he then spins and jogs a little up the stairs as he meets the turnbuckle and with amazing athleticism he puts both of his hands on the top turnbuckle and literally does a huge version of a push-up as he then mounts himself on top of the turnbuckle as he stands straight up as he looks down again and raises his hands simultaneously as he joins them together and with no delay he lowers them as all of the other turnbuckles shoot ecstatic pyro's out as Chris jumps down from the turnbuckle and grabs a microphone as he then walks to the middle of the ring.

"You know, back in the day during the MSN era of wrestling, people used to envy this place, full of talent streaming in and out like there was a revolving door, people used to die to get in here, and now it has succumb to the worst tragedy there is in this sport, a figurehead champion, and an untalented roster to challenge said champion. You see I am not here to revive the past of this federation, that's not even possible to be honest with you, it's about building a future for this company, because with the talent that exists right now, there is no future left. Big Old Mack, has run the tank dry, and what do you expect? He is the only other fighter here that can hold a breadstick without snapping their forearm. So what am I saying exactly? That this place needs an overhaul and it starts with you, Chris Orton."

Chris backs up and leans into the turnbuckle, the ironic part was that the champion was a decent fighter, more fit to be the Hardcore champion if you ask me, but somehow he had gotten his greasy little hands around the World Championship, and has defended it rather well, except only against mediocre competition, at best.

"You see Orton, wow, it feels like I am in a bad version of the WWE here, anyhow, Orton, I seen your promo against Jordan Brooks and it was rather amusing how your ignorance is as high as the opponent you attempted to verbally shred. Now, I will not bother reading the verbal trash that Jordan spewed, if he lost to you that only means one thing, that his promo and his techniques are so bad his mom's gut churns whenever she hears him speak. So Orton, as much as it is true that heart and passion play into the World Championship game, that only takes you so far, you got spunk kid, and a lot of fight, now that might get you a golden star and a cookie from old Mack there, but the fact is no matter how big your heart, when facing someone that breaks people with your inability every day in training, your heart won't make a difference once I get my shot at you. Now the fact that you watch yourself bleed so that Jordan bleeds, makes absolutely... No sense. If you want to have Jordan experience it, go find a Barbie, and no not the dolls you used to play with, the stick with the barbed wire on it... and make him experience it instead of talking like some deranged freak from the eighties. But it is rather impressive how you can rant on about ending ones career, making him bleed, and all that special stuff, when really the minute you get in the ring with me, your entire promo against Jordan can be spun from my mouth to your little head. Because the minute the Phenom tastes gold, as you would say.. I shall end your little hopes of holding that title, any longer."

Chris chuckles as the crowd roars, a mix of boo's and cheers, but Chris couldn't care any less. He knew Orton was a figurehead champion, I mean it looked nice for him to hold it but the actual ability for him to fight and retain it against any real competition, was something that seemed to be missing.

"So Orton, if your little brain feels the need, or if anyone here feels the need to come to your aid here, then feel free, I wouldn't mind listening to one of your miserable attempts at defending yourself, because so far, it's all hilarious from here."

And with that Chris lowers his microphone, awaiting a response, if any from the Champion or maybe someone else in the federation that wasn't too fond with what Mendryk had to say, but none the less. Mendryk was here to revitalize SEF, and it all starts with it's image, and right now, Chris Orton as your leader? That's a BAD fucking Image.

TBCB: [[Chris Orton or Anyone Else. No Attacks]]


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Re:Initial Contact [Orton R&R]
Date Posted:15/12/2009 12:48 PMCopy HTML

Just then, the lights in the arena fade to black as they come on to reveal Midnight in the ring. She has the mic in her hand. She began to speak.

Midnight: You know Chris..your right. Orton can't hold the candle you held back in the day. Hell even I know that the Ortons are nothing but a bunch of whiny cheating backstabbing fuckwads. There hasn't been an Orton that I ever liked. Their family sucks worse then John Cena's nutsack. I should know, I've seen it and it was just..gross! Chris...one thing I do disagree with you on is the fact that I am gunning for the same title you are. I crave World gold and my cravings for it extend beyond the normal bloodlust of an occassional human flesh. I crave to be World Champion here because it is my time to make an impact. So how about let's make a deal..You help me take that gold off of Orton to where I am champion...and I will see to it that you get first crack at me for the title. I will make it worth your while even by making sure that only you and me and no one else interfers in our match..one on one..death match style! But only if I can become champion first. Then you get your shot from me. What you say Chris? Care to make the deal with the Vampiric Bitch?

TBC BY ???

Chris Mendryk

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Re:Initial Contact [Orton R&R]
Date Posted:15/12/2009 1:52 PMCopy HTML

Chris looked at Midnight, he was a little confused, on the one side at least he had someone agreeing with him, which wasn't expected until he was champion, and then and only then would people pull a one eighty spin on their words and be all, "Oh yeah, you were right!"

Chris lifted the microphone as the chorus of boo's rang louder.

"You know what Midnight, you are absolutely right, the Orton's are a pathetic bunch and I think that in it's own right is rather clairvoyant without any more information pushed around about it."

Chris paced a bit around the ring as the fans began to chant Orton's name, Chris shook his head as he raised the microphone back to his mouth.

"You know what? You fans, idiotic as you are, seem to be blinded by the light that the SEF has shined on you, and for that, I am sorry, that you can't tell talent from a fraud, in which Orton is. But now, Midnight, you may claim that it's your time and your desire to become World Champion, and that's nice and all but if you need help getting the World title, then I highly recommend you rethink the idea that you are worth the title opportunity."

The fans continue the chorus of boo's as Mendryk's grin grew larger as his love for the fan's booing seemed to get bigger, as Midnight didn't look pleased at all with that response, Mendryk held his hand up as Midnight looked ready to retort.

"So Midnight, I can't help but think that you really ought to gander at the hardcore belt, much like Orton should because I don't make deals with low-tier talent, and you Midnight, appear to be just that to me. So you know what? Go find someone else to help you win the title you as well as Orton do not deserve, me? I fly solo, and I will win that title whether you are on the path for it or not."

The crowd boo's as Mendryk lowers his microphone awaiting a response from Midnight, or better yet Chris Orton

TBCB: [[Midnight, Or Anyone Else]][[No Attacks]]
OOC: Work Sucks. Lol


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Re:Initial Contact [Orton R&R]
Date Posted:15/12/2009 2:22 PMCopy HTML

Midnight chuckled and then got a serious look on her face as she spoke.

Midnight: Listen here Chris. Before you was sucking on your mother's milk, I was out in the real world busting my ass night after night,blood sweat and tears making sure these fans and everyone got what their money's worth. While punks like you sat back, big egos and all think that people like me was no good. If it wasn't for me Chris, you would have lost to my ex hubby Ravyn a couple years back. I was the one that gave him to you on a silver platter and thensome, and this is how you talk to me? Come down from your ego trip for a second little boy. This isn't a fantasy trip your on. It's called the real world. Live it for once kid.

Chris goes to speak up but Midnight put her hand up in his face and continues.

Midnight: Oh, I am not done talking.  Trust me..I have alot to say weither you want to hear it or not. Your cocky attitude in this business sucks. You come up in here thinking you are the pennacle of wrestling. NO! Mack is. Mack created this federation with his bare hands and brought this federation bigger then BUD ever will be. Like it or not Chris..I will become SEF World Champion. I am not a low tier rookie like you think. I am the legendary Vampiric Bitch..the same bitch who is not afraid to slap the smile off your face and plant your ass to this mat.

Midnight growls as her eyes grow dark red from anger as she looks at Chris.

TBC BY ???

Chris Mendryk

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Re:Initial Contact [Orton R&R]
Date Posted:15/12/2009 3:14 PMCopy HTML

Did she really just say that? It seems midnight is a little confused if you will, Mendryk un-intimidated by the attempt that Midnight used, but was amused none the less, bringing up Ravyn was rather key to the amusement as the guy himself was the invention of the word Jobber.

"You? You were in the real world. No kidding, that makes about as much sense as using a hundred dollar bill at McDonalds, so get take your special hat off and listen to me for a minute, you think you were busting your ass off? That's pathetic. All you do is run around acting like someone should be scared of you, when there is no reason. The only one that could get scared of you is SVD, and the only reason being is he thinks you could have an STD. You think I would have lost to Ravyn before? Listen psychopath, there is no way in hell anyone could lose to Ravyn if he didn't fix the match for himself to win in the first place, so don't you crawl up the wrong tree, a monkey throwing shit is more threatening to me then either you or Ravyn are."

The crowd roared boo's throughout the arena, they weren't too fond of Mendryk insulting Midnight like this, while she was no crowd pleaser herself, it was true, Mendryk was just new here, so the fans didn't take to him like they did to Mack, and for good reason, Mendryk just didn't give a shit anymore.

"You know what Midnight? Why don't we just shove a sock in your mouth and make it a much nicer place? Or better yet I can just do that by beating your ass on Extreme, how does that sound? Ego trip, weird how you claim that after you were JUST standing there agreeing with me, but sure I have en ego, there is a difference between being having an ego when deserved, and just plain cocky, and trust me, I have been in this business long enough beaten every name in the business soundly enough that it isn't cocky, because I can back it all up. And whether you like it or not, I am here to stay, BUD is a washed up trash federation, and with you running around here I can basically say the same for SEF, and all your little attempts to threaten me are oh so pointless because the worst threat to me you pose, is apparently a wardrobe crisis."

Chris chuckles to himself as the crowd roars more boo's out, he didn't care though, Midnight got in his face as he didn't back down, she could slap him, that's great but the fact is he was ready to go, he would fight her on Extreme guaranteed and while she was busy, apparently playing suck up to Mack, either way, Mendryk was hoping she would accept the challenge.

TBCB: [[Midnight, or anyone else. No Attacks]]
OOC: Haven't heard the name Ravyn for a while...

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