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Welcoming Newcomers (Promo)

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 08:50:56 PM

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Date Posted:23/12/2009 12:04 AMCopy HTML

Ravenna looks into the mirror as she fixs her blood red tank top. She smiles as the camera zooms in on her face. She turns around and sits on the edge of the counter. Her face is slightly bruised from the attack by Nikky Venom but tonight isn't the night to worrry about that. Ravenna crosses her legs and looks into the camera.

Ravenna: Tonight, two new comers to SEF will be in the ring with my mother and I. Midnight and myself shall show them their place in the ring is to just lay down and let us pin them if they know what's good for them. Now, I've seen both of my opponents and I think that we shall have fun tonight. I mean, Eden St. Caire is beautiful but might not be that way tonight after we are through with her. I just want to welcome them both to SEF before our match.

Ravenna goes back to applying more make-up to cover up the bruises.


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Re:Welcoming Newcomers (Promo)
Date Posted:23/12/2009 12:35 AMCopy HTML

Midnight walks over to her daughter and smirks.

Midnight: That isn't going to be necessary.

Ravenna looks at her daughter and puts the makeup in the trash.

Midnight: Because you are half of what I and your father is. You've been since birth. You have healing abilities that is unlike the weak humans. Remember little one...your a vampiress by birth...embrace it and your powers can be at your disposal.

Ravenna: But mother...I...

Midnight: I know what was told to you, but they were lies. You was taken and brainwashed by those humans to think you didn't have any powers, but you have them. You can see in the dark way better then humans. You sense of smell is five times better then a normal animal. Your ability to cloak in the dark is unlike me and your father's. Trust me my child, these gifts is what kept us alive for centuries.

The camera gets closer as Midnight spun around and catches the cameraman by the throat with her bare hand. She then slams him up against the wall and growls.

Midnight: Weak human...what you want?

Ravenna: Mother..it's ok..he's here to let us do our promos against Mendryk and St. Claire.

Midnight drops him where he's at and then tells him to roll the camera on her. She growls slightly as she spoke.

Midnight: Do you think Christie..that you and your little bitch has a fighting chance to defeat us? I don't believe so. I think it's a matter of time before DSS gets more powerful and then your little tag team will cease to matter here in SEF. Your talk of that I am a nobody but yet I have fought better wrestlers then you have fought in your lifetime. Your skills in the ring is no match for my abilities to snap you in half. You humans are always predictable. You say the same shit over and over like you think that it matters. It won't humans...not after I snap you into a mere twig and me and my daughter claim victory. Remember...EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!!

Midnight punches the camera and it breaks in half.


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