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another Extreme promo & rant

Started by NBD, April 06, 2023, 09:00:40 PM

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Date Posted:28/12/2009 3:14 AMCopy HTML

Ya know what, Jordan Helmsley and Tyler Orton, ya two lousy fucks, your time is over, SEF is being weeded the fuck out and your both next! Just like what happened to Taylor Johnson, the same thing will happen to these two fucking punks. The Indies of wresting is a lost fucking art and its jokes like these two who display that every damn day. Used to be in the Indies is where ya perfected your craft to one day make it to the grand stage of WWE and at one time WCW or even ECW was considered big on its own. Now all the Indies think their the big leagues, the stars in the Indy companies all think their legends already, their hot shit and untouchable, heh, it's a fucking joke and its why the Indy scene is so full of fucking shit and why SEF is not prospering as it once did. SEF has never been and is not a big league company just as any other on MSN or now on Aimoo is, NONE OF THEM! Too many don't get it and it hurts this business and a company like SEF that gets it, it suffers and will end up being just another era in wrestling. Its hung on for the past few years, but how much longer can it? Not to say their isn't anyone who doesn't get it, that no new star today has that right attitude and gets it, nah, just that its few and far in between all the others who don't. Sometimes there are many who get it and sometimes there aren't and for the past few years through now is one of the times many don't get it. Is there any talking to those people, intellectually rationalizing with them? No, there isn't, because their hell bent on believing their own hype. Ah fuck it though, this problem in the world of wrestling could be talked about even deeper and rooted back years and years and well that could happen now, it ain't gonna. This shit will probably come out of its slump or whatever ya wanna call it, these so called stars may come out of their ignorance, so yea, fuck it, back to these two lowlife punk fucks Jordan Helmsley and Tyler Orton, back to their fucking demise!
MACK already took out one lowlife, waste of space and taking out two more, no problem. He tried talking, teaching, helping these people, but it is as said, they don't listen because their own hype is believed, so MACK is cleansing SEF, ridding the company of these people who just don't get it. Its just a handicapped match, nothing big, nothing real special, just another match and MACK should be at the disadvantage, but please, lets be real, lets assume everyone does get it. MACK has the advantage, he gets it more than most, he's been around, he's seen a lot, not all of it, just a lot, and he also has a very open mind, he accepts it all no matter if its be something new. He is at peace with himself, he's found out who he truly is and no, he ain't no better than anyone else, he's just MACK and he fucking gets it. If ya don't like that or him or SEF, then FUCK YOU!

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