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Is this Hell? (Promo! Nikky, read also)

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 09:04:00 PM

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Date Posted:30/12/2009 6:18 PMCopy HTML

Ravenna looked at the note taped to her door before entering. She set the note on the table before going to change. She looks at herself in the mirror, speaking softly.

Megan: This has to be hell. I live in hell anymore. My mom leaves me to fight for myself. I just found out a week or so ago. My "sister" dies. Now Nikky wants to help me? Oh, come on now. I'm nothing more then a weak little girl. I need to make my name known in this fed. I won't stop until I stand on top.

Ravenna grabs a piece of paper and scribbles on it.  She folds it up before running to Nikky's room, taping it up before heading back to her room to rest for a few.

Nikky, thanks for caring about me. That's kind of you but I don't know if I can trust you. You have tried to use me. You have called me a stepping stone. I'll see you in the ring. Maybe we can be friends. I don't know.
Sincerly, Megan (ravenna)

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