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Jay & Mesa Return to SEF

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 06, 2023, 09:07:13 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:01-01-2010 12:49 PMCopy HTML

A Honda Civic just a few years old comes pulling around the back of the arena and finds a spot coming to a stop. Inside looks kinda smoky and then the drivers door opens and out steps Mesa in a baggy white shirt and blue jeans surrounded by smoke. He reaches down popping the trunk open, then shuts the door and heads to grab his bag. The passenger door now opens and out steps Jay in a cloud of smoke wearing blue jeans and a tie dye shirt looking baked, more so than Mesa. He shuts his door and goes around grabbing his bag, shuts the trunk and the two men head across the parking lot to the arena, Jay talking to Mesa who says little due to knowing little English.
"So man, looks like were back in SEF, far out huh?!"
Mesa just nods and Jay continues talking as they walk.
"This time though bro, them Tag belts will be ours!"
They get the back door and Jay nods to the guard who looks the two over and says.
"Shit, its Jay right...and the Arabian knight, uh fuck, Mesa?"
Mesa just nods as Jay chuckles and says.
"Hell yea man, how ya doing?"
The guard replies.
"I'm ok, go ahead and come on in, locker rooms are...well ya probably can figure that out."
They step in and Jay says.
"Yea, we been here a time or two, take care man."
They walk away and the guard responds before going back to his post.
"I will man, have fun tonight."
We follow the tag team known as the West Coast Connection as they make their way into a smaller corridor now and begin coming upon some rooms marked with names via paper, heh, how classy, but efficient. Mesa spots their door first and heads on in, more business than Jay who happens to see Smokey McWeed down the hall and grins. He tosses his bag in the room and heads down to Smokey getting close and shouts out.
"Hey brother, how the hell ya been?"
Smokey turns all paranoid, but sees its Jay and relaxes, grins and shakes his hand, then says.
"Jay, what the fuck, you back with SEF again?"
Jay just laughs and says.
"Hell yea I am, me and Mesa both, this time the Tag Titles will be around our waists too!"
Smokey nods and says.
"I hope so man, that'd be awesome. So hey, ya bring any good shit with ya?"
Jay just smirks and says.
"Ya know I can't leave home without it. Lets head to the room and catch up brother, I'll roll a fatty!"
Smokey looks eager now and the two ol' friends head to the room walking in and Smokey sees Mesa and says.
"Hey Mesa, how ya been?"
Mesa just shrugs and nods ok, Smokey understanding and takes a seat on the bench while Jay grabs his bag before sitting down near him and Mesa. Jay pulls a brown bag out and looks up to the cameraman and says.
"Alright, so maybe its time you got the fuck outta here or just turn that thing off and I'll roll a couple?!"
He lifts the bag up some and the camera is now being set down on a chair and then the view cuts to black.

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