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MACK, a Ladder, and a World Title Contract...OH MY

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Date Posted:01-01-2010 2:34 PMCopy HTML

The face of SEF matched up to the new kid of SEF, the seasoned veteran and the rookie. Nothing against being new, we all have had to be new at our chosen path at one point, its not bad, it just is! So its MACK and Johnny Camaro next week on Extreme and c'mon, this ain't just any ordinary match and no, not because of the ladder stipulation to it. Its what you have to retrieve to win the match, what prize you get for winning and not money, something more. It's a contract signed by the World Champ of SEF, so whoever gets it first, they sign it and they have a World Title match. MACK has been there seven times in SEF...seven fucking times and the last time he was seems like forever, least in this business it is. The middle of '06, so like three and a half years and he ain't shied away from the top of the ladder, he ain't been kicked down to the bottom scraping along, no. MACK has been styling and profiling without the World Title and really, he don't need it. The belt needs him more than MACK needs it, so maybe its Johnny Camaro's time, maybe he's here to step up and fill some big goddamn shoes, hey, it could happen. That ain't no knock on his talent, its just he ain't got the time in that MACK has, he's new, he has more to prove and that is exactly why it could be Johnny Camaro ripping that contract down, signing it and going on to face Chris Orton for the World Heavyweight Title!
MACK may not need that title, but he wants it, he wants to wear the gold one more time because as noted, the belt does need him. Many may disagree, many may think he just wants it for some glory, that he's greedy, but that just means they don't know MACK! And they don't jack! He has something inside him to prove to himself, but for everyone else, he wants to make SEF's World Title bigger than the rest and how do ya do that, how do ya do such a thing?
"You can't...you can only try!"
As World Champion you represent the company you work for, you are the most loyal son of a bitch they have, you are depended on and called on with a moments notice. You give ideas, you accept ideas, you help others to learn how it is, you must teach, but you must never stop learning yourself and you must look out for yourself as well. The Word Champ needs to carry a company on its back. It doesn't matter how many great stars there are within, to truly shine as champion you must go out of your way to carry the load, learn the craft as great as you can, be the top of ladder, not preach it.
"Most don't get it!"
Many have come into SEF doing just that, preaching how great they are, running their mouth nonstop and saying absolutely nothing. Trash talking is fine, but its when ya start to say the same shit using different words, its when ya never back it up, its when ya want to face the top star right away and get beat, then claim ya were screwed, its that kinda shit that ruins World Titles and companies as a whole. Its what ruined the MSN circuit, too many just didn't get it and Aimoo seemed to be no better, but then again, maybe it is turning.
"We'll see about that!"
None of this indicating that Johnny Camaro is someone who does any of this, hell, the kid ain't actually spoke up much in SEF, hasn't let us in to find out who he is and that's is gig, it'll happen on his own time. Hopefully it happens soon enough for this huge opportunity ahead of him. Facing MACK with a World Title shot on the line, that's huge, gigantic, and its also a reality. Its two men squaring off for the richest prize in the company, this will tell us something about who Johnny Camaro is. Will he step up and take MACK to his limit, will he beat MACK, or will he let opportunity go wasted and not do a damn thing?
"Hopefully not the latter!"
Hopefully not, that would suck for Johnny and for SEF. The best option would be for Johnny to win, to win that title shot and no matter if he wins the title, to just show what it means to be given opportunity, not to waste it! That would be what is best, but is what MACK wants? If ya know him, then yes he wants that, but at this time he may want to be World Champ more, it is close though, too close to figure out, but come Extreme we'll find out who wants what the most. Win or Lose it is believed MACK will be happy for if he wins, he gets a shot at the title, but if he loses, he sees a new player step up in the game and create competition. Really, it's a win-win situation for MACK, he thrives either way, gets to do what he loves to do. In the end that is what matters, making yourself live life to your fullest, not someone else's. For if ya do it for someone else, your live is not fulfilled. Now, maybe your idea of fulfillment is living for others, but if it is, then your fulfilling your live thus proving the point true, self fulfillment is what matters no matter how ya do it.
"We are all too individual to have the same requirements needed to gain fulfillment in life!"

Johnny Camaro

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Re:MACK, a Ladder, and a World Title Contract...OH MY
Date Posted:01-01-2010 10:58 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain things not suitable for everyone. There may be some violence, there may be some foul language, hell there may even be some sexual content. So all you single-minded people out there...TURN BACK NOW!!!
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Johnny hasn't made himself noticed but somehow he was given a chance to win a #1 contendership for the greatest title in SEF, the only title in SEF that is bigger than career of Ricky Ortiz. Unfortunately, Ricky Ortizes career was never that big.

"No doubt."

Many people think that their company is the biggest and best company in all of professional wrestling, same is true about their titles...Even when they have the lowest level title! But I digress. Even though SEF has been a great place for Johnny to reconnect with his in ring ability, everyone here knows that SEF isn't the best company, but it's pretty damn close.


Johnny has not made his voice heard much, but that's because he's been battling some demons. Not his own but those of his family. His brother has been doing Cocaine and know had a life threating illness. Now everything is getting better for him and Camaro, mainly Camaro as he can now fully focus on his career in SEF.


Who is Johnny Camaro? Why he's The Quintessential Superstar of course. He does not brag he just throws it out there. Mayhaps some would think that's bragging, but that their fault isn't it? The fact is is that he's money. Why? Because people love him and his Trademark chant Brrrrrrrrrrrrup (Roll the R's) as much as R-Truth's Whas Up.


Mack is a tough as shit dude, and there is no arguing that. But the time for Johnny to prove to himself and to the fans that he can fight when he needs to, and that he isn't just a pretty face, although his face is really pretty.

"I'm sexy."

This ladder match on Wednesday will be on hell of an event. There will be helicopter spins with the ladder, froggers, and a sick set up with two ladders and a table making a platform for people to stand on. Mack be prepared for all out war, for total warfare, and be prepared for being Trademarked.

"Good luck to you Mack, who ever deserves it will win. Brrrrrrrrrup!"

(c.) cruel intentions at layout corner.



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Re:MACK, a Ladder, and a World Title Contract...OH MY
Date Posted:01-02-2010 3:22 AMCopy HTML

Describing what will happen in this coming ladder match is a lost cause for what will happen is something unexpected. MACK in a spot to possibly get a World Title shot and on the other end, Johnny Camaro with an opportunity most will never, ever get in their life, war...WAR....fuck war, this is beyond what any war is like, this is gonna be far beyond and hell, this ladder match is going to be, at the very least, a nominee for the best match of 2010 and that...that boys and girls, that is a fucking....


SEF ain't the best in everyone's eyes, never has been and never will be, it is however the best in the eyes of those who of course own it, run it, and especially those who make it something special, like MACK. To many out there and yes, it is a fact, SEF is a cheap rip off, knock off, but their biased to their own company and not just one they own, but one they competed in as long as MACK competed in SEF, its about territory, just like someone's house, their domain! Having that feeing for a company takes time, not just stepping in here for a couple weeks, it takes at the least, months, some people years, some never even get that feeling, but ya all know the thoughts and those people!

"The ones who ruined MSN and could do the same to Aimoo!"

We all have our own demons in life, we all can understand and relate to each other because of it, so if anyone ever says you don't understand, its they who don't understand. No human being has it harder than another because we individuals have it different from one another. We gotta realize that our life is OUR life, not someone else's and they should never bring you down. Sure, feel for friends or family, show compassion, be "good" to others, but bring you down, keep you from what you love, it happens to many people. MACK, it has...it has before, but the end of this year he witnessed every best friend, but one, die suddenly with no warning. These friends were his family, but hey, he still has his wife, he can make new friends, MACK, he is a realist. It fucking sucks to have shit like that happen, but he don't think he experienced worse than others like most of them would think. He don't distant himself and hold himself apart from others, he realizes that we all have shit in life, but we also have life, so live it or just fucking kill yourself now!

"Once again, that is a muthafuckin' shoot!"

It don't matter if you're a catchphrase, vain son of a bitch who thinks he's this great looking hot talent or if your some asshole who wants to keep everyone down in your quest to "greatness". Be a fucking realist, be superficial, be a glory hound, be humble, but fucking A, be your goddamn self no matter what!


And MACK ain't no religious nut, he just uses a word that fits right and sounds good, no word is good or bad, its just a fucking word. The context is what makes the word mean anything and without the context, the word would be totally and utterly useless. Not to say anyone has meaningless phrases now, just fucking say the truth here. When your new though, ya gotta prove what ya mean, even MACK has to prove what his new phrases mean, though they ain't hard to read into, not at fucking all. He's a simple man, a fucking common and shout out rip off if ya want, its just the truth. He would never use it cause of Dusty, MACK grew up watching him as most of us did, loved that man, he was something else, a true character for sure. MACK, he is a character too, not that level yet, but he has had issues with letting himself shine through. Now its full fucking force and this world don't have a clue, none of ya really do, not one fucking clue!


So what the fuck does that mean, huh, any of ya all out there? Its real fucking simple, c'mon, dwell on it, think, pour smoke out yer ears, brainstorm, think hard, but ya don't have to cause its so fucking simple, its too easy! It is a very truthful, an honest line, if ya get it, which ya a should. It shows us all for the individuals we are and for how similar we all are. Were all so damn different yet were all damn near the same, yep, its that fucking simple folks. MACK ain't no mystery, he ain't no goddamn closed book who is gonna fuck with yer head, or at least try to, he won't make up lies to suck you into a web of bullshit. He's just a simple son of a bitch who will speak the absolute truth! Not the pretty truth, not the nice truth, not the truth people can handle, the truth that we don't want to hear one on one, but love to hear as a group.

"We all wanna say it, say what were truly thinking, but very few could ever do it, probably wouldn't even need one hand to count them all!"

MACK never told anyone to love him, to cheer him, to rally behind him and say WE WANT MACK, he never reached towards that goal. All he did was be himself and go prove he loved wrestling, he has a passion for this business that is unlike many others. The best wrestler, the most charismatic, the best looking, the best body, pfft, none of the fucking above. Maybe to some, but please, MACK is out there busting his goddamn ass, working as hard as he can to showcase a great wrestling match, to tell a goddamn story that people will tell others years from now, decades, centuries! He doesn't tell you why people love him or compare himself to the greatness of others. He looks up to the older stars, but compared to, MACK is to individualistic for that, he is himself and always will be.

"Ya all ain't seen shit yet!"

And that ain't being used as a classic, common, cliché, nah, it's the ever loving, bitter, truth!

Johnny Camaro

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Re:MACK, a Ladder, and a World Title Contract...OH MY
Date Posted:01-04-2010 8:52 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain things not suitable for everyone. There may be some violence, there may be some foul language, hell there may even be some sexual content. So all you single-minded people out there...TURN BACK NOW!!!
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Wow someone is angry, then again, Mack has been quite angry a lot recently. Personally I haven't seen a lot of Mack's rants so I can't really tell when he started being angry, but he still has been quite angry. For example, Mack's been chasing people out of this company for weeks. Which bring me to ask...What The **** Are You Angry At? I will be the first to say that most of the people he chased out where ***holes, but some of the people were people who made the company that much better. Again, for example, Midnight, and Bethany Sorrow. Yes you heared me right, the people that Nikky Venom and Johnny Camaro have been battling since they've been here are people who made the company bette and The Infection better.

Mack I think I've figured your anger out but you'll need to help me. It's either: 1)Julie was in the fatal car accident, and I can understand why you'd be angry originally but dude...Get over it! You gotta look for the silver lining, being you're still alive. 2)People are pissing you off. Again get over it, the worst thing you can do is hold a grudge. 3)People are taking this fed for granted. It's true I'd not be able to be in a fed without SEF because I'd be destroyed. 4)Everyone is leaving SEF. Now I know I'm starting to soud like a broken record but get over it. I can understand if you want to kick my ass even more now but you gotta calm down, just be glad that you are still alive, to wrestle one more match, and to have you're health.

Sometimes, I just gotta agree with Chris Jericho when he says that these fans are hypocrites. They're willing to cheer for someone doing heel actions yet when a heel does it there's boos, even when some face who's less popular does it to a more popular face they get boos. I bring this up because what will happen when Johnny tries to do something, there will be boos. I would just like to state right now that I will have to beat down Mack, and I will not let him beat on me. That's a fact so I hope that you fans don't think any differently.
(c.) cruel intentions at layout corner.


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Re:MACK, a Ladder, and a World Title Contract...OH MY
Date Posted:01-05-2010 2:23 AMCopy HTML

"So I'm angry am I, wow, but then, maybe that should be of no surprise for you to develop that theory."

Mack is angry and pissed off and as Johnny Camaro said, it could be from a number of reasons, then again, this is all based on him actually being pissed off. Ya see Johnny, Mack may voice his opinions freely, be completely open, but why should automatically make him angry, make him a bad guy? Free thinking should be encouraged, but frowned upon. Julie dying, his other best friends dying, yea, it hurt him, it would hurt anyone and break most people down. You think you know Mack's thoughts on it? Ya don't cause he never spilled them. He has no hidden meaning in his words, they mean what they are, simple a s that. Now people pissing him off, well maybe, but no, not really. People don't piss him off, people intrigue him, interest him, because people are so diverse that how do cope together? The answer is our society, fucked up beyond recognition!

"Yea, but its pretty goddamn interesting isn't it?"

Mack has his issues like we all do, his happens to be an insecurity among people physically, a shyness, yea. Hard to believe with him speaking his mind in front of thousands, but on front of a large group he can do and say anything, but one on one or in a crowd of ten or less, its how it goes. He clams up and studies them, listens and learns. As for taking SEF for granted, not really how he views it, but maybe Johnny has a point to that, maybe some of these punks do that. Mack just feels some people are lazy, he knows some are as he's encountered them before. Leaving SEF, yea, some do, some stay, life goes on. The ones who do nothing in SEF, they either leave unnoticed or stay on the roster dragging along and eventually SEF says their fired and so on camera Mack makes an example of them, simple as that. There is no anger involved, he is saying to everyone else and to all future SEF stars, step up or stay out! He don't care what you do in life, what you do for your career, what choice you make, he don't. Mack just feel if you waste SEF's time, you need to be taught a lesson and so he teaches it because he is in a position to do just that.

"Damn right!"

The fans are hypocrites, quoting Chris Jericho, well, it's a debate for sure and not a one sided debate. In many ways, we are all hypocrites, every single person one earth, even Chris Jericho, Johnny Camaro, and Mack! The fans, cheering Mack for heel actions. What is it that Mack did that is so bad now? He made an example of stars who did nothing for SEF. Yes, they didn't hurt the company, they didn't bash it, they just did nothing. They gave no notice to SEF, just faded off the radar and became another statistic. Anytime they want to come back, they can as they ain't banished for life, no one is and ever has been. Taylor Johnson, Jordan Helmsley, Tyler Orton, they can choose to come back and maybe they will, but if they do nothing again, they are made an example of, again. History repeats itself all the time, so maybe you Johnny, you out to get over this and accept the truth. SEF has done this for years to people who did nothing, but take up space on the roster, Mack has been the one to make the example a lot, but not the only one. Now Midnight and Bethany Sorrow, well first off, Bethany left on her own due to dying of cancer, nothing to do with Mack. Midnight, a different story as she came after Mack first. She actually stepped up, she is trying to make her name in SEF by taking out the biggest name in the company, Mack. He respects her for that, but at the same time he ain't laying down for anybody. He hopes Midnight don't leave, but again, remember, she drew first blood and you remember what happened in Rambo, when he had it drawn on him?

"Well actually he was arrested in the end, but fucked everyone up for life!"

Mack never actually started being angry, he simple started being open minded, speaking actual facts, real shoots! He has no problem with his best friends being dead, yea, it fucking sucks and he cried over it, but he got over it and he is living his life. Mack has reinvented himself and is completely at peace. He loves the wrestling business and aspires to be one of the great names in it, but pissed off at the world, maybe for a month last fall his words reflected some anger. That was washed away and he just kept speaking truth from a philosophical standpoint. You Johnny, ya don't like the fans cheering him like they do, you fear they will boo when ya have control of the match over Mack, but what can ya do? Mack earned....he EARNED the respect of the fans over these years, from '94 to SEF and then it grew real rapid and now they just love him because he is real. He doesn't play for anyone, he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him, he does what he does, he is who he is, that's just the way he is!

"Its just the way I am, to quote a great rapper and one of my best friends!"

You were right on one thing, you do need to beat down Mack and not let me him beat on you, very true Johnny and if the fans do boo ya, what can you do? Hopefully you accept it and just keep busting ass cause if ya do, then ya won't get booed. Your in a huge position has what has been hyped up for this match, Johnny Camaro, the young rookie star facing the veteran Mack for the World Title! Just seize opportunity and reach for the stars, grab that contract and win, accept what you hear afterwards and take your own advice, get over it. Mack has been over it for a few months now, he is in his best frame of mind of all his life, he is one with himself! Its no surprise you had trouble figuring out the man behind his words, but then why is that hard to figure out? Its all simple facts he spews, nothing bad, no anger, just truth. Guess it is true, most people can't handle the truth, the real truth. A double standard that was, but it was needed.

"Sometimes they are needed and by the way, I don't hold grudges!"

Least not anymore he does, not since a few months ago. As has been said, Mack is at peace with himself, he is care free, he is wild at times and free spirited, will tell you like it is, but always like it is regardless of how ugly it may seem. Love him or hate him, he is who he is, damn, now who is sounding like goddamn broken record?!

"Guess the time for talking is coming to an end!"

Or is it?

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