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universal6 star tag team

Catching Up

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 06, 2023, 09:12:05 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:01-04-2010 2:05 PMCopy HTML

Not many familiar faces around SEF, not for Jay and Mesa who sit in their room relaxing. Jay is laying on the bench all stoned as usual while Mesa sits on a chair reading a book, hardcover with no jacket, name can't be seen. Silence is definitely what fills the air until Jay suddenly, well not suddenly, but rather slowly he sits up and swings his legs off the bench to the floor kinda loud. Mesa doesn't move, just keeps on reading and Jay sits there looking around, staring to the floor, then looks over at his friend and says.
"Man, we outta go do something bro, go visit another brother from the roster, but who?"
Mesa is looking up now as Jay ponders this question, then says.
"Joe, Haz, wonder what them..."
Mesa shakes his head no causing Jay to trail off and realize they died a few months back. He thinks some more now, then says.
"Fuck man, all the ol' boys of SEF are gone, no one from....no, there is one. C'mon bro, lets go pay the man a visit!"
Jay stands up and grabs his paper bag stuffing it in his pants pocket. Mesa closes up his book and stands dropping it on the chair. The two walk out of the room now and we follow closely as they head on down the hall all casual and relaxed. After a few minutes they get past all the locker rooms and stop, Jay scratches his head and turns to Mesa saying.
"What the fuck? Where is the dudes room at?"
Mesa just shrugs and then nudges Jay, motions to follow him and so off we go. Back down the hall and turning into the main locker room for everyone in general. Its empty aside from bags at different lockers and Jay lightly punches Mesa, then says.
"Oh yea, like he'd be in here, lets find some and ask them."
So they head out of that room and look down the hall both ways, no one. They down the way they just came from and come to a corridor area, find Smokey sitting on a metal crate all baked out as usual and approach him. Jay nods and says.
"Hey Smoke, ya seen Mack around?"
Smokey looks up with red eyes and says.
"Not today!"
Jay responds to him with.
"Oh, well ya know where he might be?"
Smokey looks kinda blank, shrugs and says.
"He tends to be distant lately, usually hangs out by himself or with Whitney when she's on the road with us. So he may be at his hotel, working out, or who the fuck knows."
Jay nods and says.
"Alright, well thanks for what ya knew bro, see ya around."
Jay and Mesa look at each other as Smokey just stares of into space. The team heads back down the hall and Jay talks to Mesa.
"Wonder where could be? Man, I wanted to catch up with the guy, he's the last of the ol' school around here."
They keep walking and pass by their own room still searching, but almost ready to give up. They still keep walking though and find themselves in the loading area near the back door. They look around and Mesa hears something, nudges Jay and walks in that direction. Jay follows and they head over behind some large crates to find the road crew, roadies or whatever, sitting around near a couple soda and snack machines with who, but of course, Mack. He's just hanging out and being social with them, a few conversations going on at once. Jay and Mesa just seem kinda frozen for a second, then Mack spots them and motions the two over. So they walk over near him and Jay says.
"Hey Mack, we been looking for ya."
Mack just looks up and says.
"Oh yea, what ya want?"
Jay responds with.
"Just to catch up on ol' times, talk with ya about wrestling, whatever man, plus I got some stuff with me!"
Mack knowing what he means and knowing the crowd around him says.
"Oh yea, well break it out bro, we all here could use a little more!"
Mesa is sitting down now and Jay takes a seat as well pulling out his bag and says.
"I wasn't sure if it was cool right here, but if ya say so."
Mack just laughs and says.
"Nah man, its cool, these guys are just regular muthas like us all working their ass off and need to take a load off sometimes, so twist a couple up and I'll repay ya later."
Jay nods smiling now and Mack flashes a glance at the cameraman letting him know what's up. So the camera is now set down and the feed goes to black.


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Re:Catching Up
Date Posted:01-05-2010 12:06 PMCopy HTML

The view opens back up and we now find just Mack, Jay, and Mesa sitting around by the soda and snack machines talking, well, Mesa mostly listens as he don't speak much English. he does understand and tries though. The road crew had shit to do, so they are gone, Mack is speaking to Jay and Mesa now.

"Been a while boys, been quite a while since ya been around SEF, so why now?"

Mesa just shrugs and Jay smirks and answers.

"Well ya know man, since what happened last fall we figured maybe SEF could use us, maybe this was our time to come in and finally achieve our goal of being Tag Champs."

Mack nods understanding and says.

"Hell yea man, SEF needs more teams around here. We got a couple, we got some good talent running around, just not a lot as we got a small roster now, but SEF has proven it will never die. Stood the test of time now for almost eight years, got more history than TNA too!"

He smiles at that one as does Jay and Mesa, and Jay says.

"The company is full of history, so many big impacts have happened in SEF and so many stars made their career, were two of them for sure and you really improved a lot from SEF I'd say."

Mack nods again in agreement and says.

"Yea, no doubt, SEF did help me. I may have made myself before this company, but when I got here, I reinvented myself much as I have at the end of last year and a few years ago. Yea, the company helped me a lot, I'm glad it remained open this long or else I'd have to start all over somewhere else."

Jay and Mesa nod in agreement to that and Jay says.

"That always sucks to be forced to do. Its great experiences to roam around to many companies, but eventually ya gotta get into a constant, its ya get as big as you have, right?"

Mack nods yea and says.

"Exactly brother, run around this world a couple times, then get yourself locked into a company ya love, remain loyal and it will pay off, but when I say loyal, I mean true loyalty. When the company asks you do anything you have an open mind every time. Spill your ideas yes, but don't be a close minded fuck about it, accept others ideas, work together, compromise, and you will achieve great success. A lot of people like to say that means kissing ass, but true compromise is not kissing ass for both sides give equally in a true compromise. Ya just have to know what your doing, again too, have a complete open mind and learn because no one in this business or this world knows it all!"

Jay and Mesa are nodding in agreement, focused completely on what Mack is saying, just listening to soak up knowledge and now Jay responds.

"We never do stop learning! Too bad some people don't get it, but that is their problem I suppose."

Mack shrugs and says.

"Yea man, some people just need to find themselves and realize the key to a lot of knowledge is accepting you don't know it all, funny line in a way, but very true."

They all nod in agreement, then a slight silence until Mesa breaks it.

"Ya all wanna go get a bite?"

Jay turns his partner and says.

"Yea bro, I could go for some food."

He then turns to Mack and says.

"Ya wanna join us man, talk some more wrestling over some food? We'll drive, we'll pay, whatever it takes man!"

Mack just laughs at the eagerness and says.

"Ya had me when ya mentioned food."

They all laugh now and stand up, then Mack says.

"I actually am meeting my wife in a little bit for lunch, so why don't I ride with ya all and we can all four talk business, soak up each others knowledge, plus I'll roll one of from my shit!"

He flashes a big smirk and Jay's eyes light up now as Mesa nods. The three men walk towards the back door and outside, a little chilly, but who gives a fuck. They approach Jay and Mesa's car, Mesa gets in the drivers seat and Mack climbs in the back, so Jay hops in the other front seat. Mack can be seen fishing in his pocket, but the car pulls away before we see what he pulls out and once their gone down the street the view just fades to black.

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