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zacky shadows debut (tbc by anyone)

Started by Karmen Moore, April 06, 2023, 09:26:34 PM

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Karmen Moore

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:14
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  • From:Japan 
  • Register:02-06-2009 9:15 PM
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Date Posted:01-07-2010 12:56 PMCopy HTML


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a black car has pulled up to the arena as zacky shadows gets out and walks to go into the arena a security  guard stops him.

guard: sir you are not susposed to be back here

zacky: im the new superstar

Guard: whats your name?

zacky: zacky vangence

guard: thats not on the list

Zacky: try zacky shadows

guard: ok you can go in

zacky walks into the arena, with his guitar on his back, the reason he said zacky vengence is because that is his nick name, he walks around and finds the mens locker room then he walks in and sets his stuff down, he looks at some of the superstars in the locker room, as he takes his hoodie off showing all of his tattoos, he grabs his guitar take it out of its case, it was a red guitar, he walks out of the locker room and walks down the hall, and finds a place where no one is at he sits on some boxs and starts to play his guitar, someone walks past then stops and turns around and starts to talk to him. he looks at the person.

tbc: by anyone
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