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The Vampire Princess is here (debut)

Started by Karmen Moore, April 06, 2023, 09:27:43 PM

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Karmen Moore

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:01-08-2010 12:50 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following roleplay might contain sexual content, violence, blood and swear words that your little virgin eyes can't handle. If you are not brave enough, click the back button or click the "x" on the corner of the screen. For those that are brave enough, read on. Don't say that I didn't warn you!.
ariel76.jpg WWE Diva Ariel image by ReflectionEternalFan
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 the cameras come up into this dark room, with candles all around, then you see this girl siting in a chair, wearing a corset to, she looks at the camera as you see her fangs

Angel: my name is angel, and i am comeing to SEF, who ever thinks they can stop me you are wrong cause i am the vampire princess, and i do bite if you get in my way. you may think im an angel but im not im just a devil in disguise.

she had two  black roses on the table infront of her, she started to pick each peddles off one by one.

Angel: all of the diva here i will take all of you out one by one.

she stopped when she picked each one off

Angel: this is a message to everyone here i am comeing to get you and you are all going to fall to the vampire bite.

angel gets up and walks out of the room as the camera panning down to the one roes she left on the table and that rose starts to bleed
tbc by anyone
Disclaimer: This layout was made by Blaze Inferno for the use of _______.

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