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universal6 star tag team

Tag Team At Extreme v Murdock and The Sandman - Johnny Camaro read too

Started by Bobby James, April 06, 2023, 10:28:12 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:01-18-2010 1:02 PMCopy HTML
Bobby James is walking through a skate park carrying his skateboard with him in his left hand.  Soon he has come to a picnic table and while nearing it he tosses it onto the grass of the outdoor park.  James pushes himself up and takes a seat on the top of the table while stretching out a bit.  It seems to be an unusually warm day in Mississippi while he plans to make the most of it before his big tag match.  Looking around he notices the usual crowd of emo bitches.  Thinking to himself that those sad emo bitches cry and fucking whine about how sad their little teenage lifes are but just wait until they have real responsibilities like taking care of a family as opposed to deciding what type of mascara to purchase for their pity tears.  But at least he acknowledges that their are some skate punks here that actually know what they are doing so that's a plus but he digresses while starring out.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Man some of those sad clowns out there with their narrow world views remind me of some of the people I've faced in the ring in my wrestling career.  They think that because some small town marks have believed in their pathetic excuses for wrestling skills that they have what it takes.  And yeah I'm talking about my opponents for Extreme.  You see people like The Sadman or The Sandman or whatever that pathetic excuse for a drunken buffoon calls himself.  For years I had to watch him perform subpar matches in shitty wrestling halls for ECW and various other crappy little independent federations.  All that bastard could hope to do was make himself bleed , hit people with kendo sticks and swill beer.  Its no wonder that he couldn't ever make it past ECW.  No one had respect for him not the fans , not the wrestlers and certainly not me.  How could I?

James just leans back a bit and puts his hands palm down on the table.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Seriously ... seriously how does The Sandman expect to beat me?  With his wrestling skills?  His innate ability to captivate the audience?  His charisma?  I think the answer would be a negative to all of those.  He has nothing on me. I'm Boston's Best.  I'm here for the gold and the glory.  I'm not here to make friends but I am here to fight.  I didn't come to sit in the back collecting a paycheck.  So if these fans want to see true wrestling greatness in all it grandeur then look no farther than right at me.

A smirk crosses his face.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- But heading upward and onward I need to talk about his partner Everett Murdock.  Now here's a guy I really can't figure heads or tails about because first Murdock and The Sandman are busy beating the holy crap out of eachother in a hardcore match at last weeks Extreme and now they are teaming up in a tag match? What the hell is that shit all about?  I know two wrongs don't make a right or however that saying goes but how does a team of two incompatible goobers make for a winning tag team?

Boston's Best lets out a light chuckle.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- See Murdock your team has already failed because last week while you two were busy busting and beating eachother senseless I was dominating the triple threat I was in by easily taking out Spiderman while that punk ass Johnny Camaro did jack shit till after the match was over but I'll get back to Camaro in a minute.  See I may not know my partner all that well but I will say one thing Diamond Dogg won his match and I won my match and we weren't fighting eachother last week.  You two were and you two won't win come Extreme.  Because I am willing to do what it takes to get it done and in the end my hand will be raised in victory.  And all you two will be left with is the knowledge that the better men won and you two were done.

Looking down he clears his nose and throat for a moment before looking dead at the camera while sneering arrogantly.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- You see Johnny I didn't forget about what happened last week after our triple threat match.  I won it and you lost.  Sure you didn't get pinned but I got the win.  Spiderman suffered the true loss and I guess you just couldn't handle that huh?  So you attack me from behind juts like the bitch you are.  You perform a kamikaze attack on me like I'm a ship at Pearl Harbor well let me tell you something punk.  It's your fault.

Nodding his head confidently.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- I know you may be wondering what's your fault and I'll tell you just what it is.  You screwed with me.  You made that mistake because you couldn't handle the loss like a man.  Instead you take the low road well I'll tell you what next week at Extreme I'll take the high road and take your ass out.  And that my friend is fact not fiction! See you and me are gonna play a game of wrestling with me as the teacher and you as the pupil.  One on one no disqualifications.  So bring it all at me Bring , Bring The Chairs , The Tables , The Ladders And Even Bring The Popcorn Vendor And His Buttery Fat Wife.  And in the end you will know when its all said and done just why I'm Boston's Brightest , Boston's Boldest And Most Definitely Boston's Best!

Soon enough " Boston's Best " Bobby James has slid himself off of the picnic table as he grabs up his skateboard and walks towards a few of the decent skaters to start a small conversation with them before he tosses his own board onto the concrete of the skate park itself and starts to skate around a bit relaxing in the calmness of the afternoon.

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