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Tag Team Match (Sandman promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 06, 2023, 10:29:16 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:01-18-2010 8:51 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades into a shot of The Sandman standing outside a hotel somewhere in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Sandman thou smoking, seems to be sober for once. The camera zooms in for a close up and Sandman speaks.

Sandman: So last Extreme didn't go my way? I lost my match against Emmett Murdock. But that's how it is. You win some, you lose some. But it's ok, because for me, it's never really been about winning or losing, it's been about the fight itself. And while Emmett Murdock can say whatever he wants about me, the fact is he got as good as he gave, and very nearly lost the match. Still I doubt Emmett Murdock will forget about last week for as long as he lives. I know I won't.

Sandman: And Emmett Murdock, before I say anything more, just know that it's not over between you and me. Not by a long shot. I'm sure you feel the same way. I didn't get a win, and you were very nearly defeated by a drunken, old bastard. I know that can't sit well with you. You and I aren't done by a long shot. But now is not the time for that, because SEF management seems to have a sick sense of humor as it would seem.

Sandman pauses and takes a drag of his cigarette.

Sandman: It seems that after you and I beat the bloody hell out of each other, now SEF management wants to put us together in a tag team match? On the same side no less? Well, I can't wait to see how this turns out. Will you and I be able to coexist in the ring for a common goal? Or will you and I self destruct and beat the crap out of each other instead? This coming Wednesday night sure will be interesting. But then again, I'm always up for anything. I say bring on this tag team match. I say go head and pair you and me together.

Sandman: Diamond Dogg, last week, you won your return match against a couple of nobodies. I promise you that this week, you won't have such an easy time with me, and grudgingly Emmett Murdock. I'm going to show you what Emmett Murdock already knows... that being why they call me The Hardcore Icon. I am The Hardcore Icon, and I am going to show you what hardcore really means.

Sandman: Diamond Dogg, you're paired with Bobby James, and I'm sure you two will get along about as good as I and Emmett will probably get along. And as I said not too long ago, this coming Wednesday night is certainly going to be interesting. I for one can't wait.

Sandman pauses and takes another drag of his cigarette.

Sandman: "Bostons Best" Bobby James? Who? Boston's Best? What the hell does that mean? I've been to Boston, and I can honestly say that Boston is full of pure shit. So you must be Bostons best walking bag of shit huh Bobby James? I'm sure I can beat some of the shit out of ya this coming Extreme with my Singapore cane. But then again, you might just be a lost cause.

Sandman: Bobby, you say I'm a negative when it comes to captivating the audiences? Well obviously you weren't at ECW One Night Stand 2005, nor did you watch. Because if you had, you'd know just how much pull I have with audiences. From the old ECW, to XPW, to any independent show where I go and can use my classic entrance, I fire the crowd up. Whens the last time an entire arena sang along to your theme, and were all over you? Let's not count WWE, because the crowd was mostly made up of kids.

Sandman pauses and takes a final drag of his cigarette, before throwing it to the ground.

Sandman: Sure you and Diamond Dogg won your matches. But that's not overly special. You both had it easy, and this coming Extreme, will see if you two can go for wins straight wins. I'm willing to put aside my feelings for Emmett this coming Extreme is he is. And if we can keep things civil till the end, we just might win. We'll see what we see this coming Extreme.

Sandman pauses, and looks directly into the camera.

Sandman: Bobby James, Diamond Dogg... 
(Sandman chuckles) I am The Sandman, and I approve this message.

As The Sandman begins to walk away, the camera fades out into blackness.

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