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universal6 star tag team

Extreme Tag Promo Part 2 -- Johnny Camaro Read Too

Started by Bobby James, April 06, 2023, 10:41:41 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:20/01/2010 11:40 AMCopy HTML

A bottle of wine can be seen on a mahogany table situated next to a plate of Prime Rib and steamed vegetables.  Seated at the table is one of The SEF's newest and fastest rising stars Bobby James who is sharing a meal with a lovely woman dressed in a stunning red dress.  Both start to share a laugh while Bobby takes her hands in his and lightly kisses her on the cheek just as the waiter returns with the bill.  Taking his credit card he hands it off and waits for it to come back.  Signing the slip while the couple head out the back entrance trying not to cause too much of a scene for the girl.  Hurrying the lady into a waiting taxi James pulls her back and gives her on last kiss before reentering the restaurant.  Making his way through knowing glances and nods of the patrons as they talk to themselves about who was just dining in the same restaurant as them.  But just as he is heading out of the building a microphone is shoved right into his face as he looks over in disgust.  Smiling with a slight smirk is Nick Miller who immediately starts to ask questions.

Nick Miller -- Oh great Bobby I was glad to catch up with you before tonight's Extreme program started.  I wanted to pick your brain about what Emmett Murdock and The Sandman stated regarding your upcoming tag match tonight.  I'm sure both of them have no love for eachother but is what they said true?  Is the teaming of you and Diamond Dogg just as bad?  Please say its not.

Bobby just looks down at him and shakes his head before pushing the mic down a little bit as he tries to walk off down the street.  But Nick keeps up with him and asks again.

Nick Miller -- Please I'm just here asking a few questions.  I swear it wont take that much of your time.  And I'm sure you got some stuff to get off of your chest judging by the look in your eyes.

Boston's Best stops for a minute and looks at his watch and figures the time in his head before suddenly stopping causing Nick to bump into him from the side.  Turning his attention back to him he clears his throat and motions for the mic.  Taking it he starts to speak.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- You have ten to fifteen minutes of my time but no more and that's it interview done.  You understand?  Then I'm up.

Nick Miller -- Gotcha.  Understood.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- I know exactly what it is you want and if you want to hear it then its fine.  Whatever so I will quote a Buffalo Springfield song if I might and the song is " For What It's Worth ".  There's something happening here and what it is ain't exactly clear.  There's a man with a gun over there telling me I got to beware.  Now that man to me is Emmett Murdock and I see you waggling your proverbial gun in my direction and warning me.  It's not too hard to understand but Emmett needs to understand something about me I don't back away and I don't back down from a fight I come looking for them with both fists clenched.  You can talk all you want about turning ivory into swords and bows and arrows and guns and atomic bombs.  Yes run your hillbilly mouth about evolution and all of that but we know that evolution doesn't destroy my hunger or even yours for that matter.  See I'm not one to look past my opponents.  Oh no I look straight at them.  But isn't that what they call you?  The Straightener?  Well that's just what I'm doing Emmett my boy looking straight at you.  I don't plan on going around you or over you.  But straight through you.  You can talk all you want about how you weren't impressed by my match or Diamond Dogg's because the simple fact here is I wasn't impressed by you and I'm sure Dogg wasn't either.  What kind of skills do you need to posses in order to be a warrior like yourself?  To fight with ladders , chairs and ring bells?  Not many it seems like.  But see I can brawl with the best of them if I want.  But also I can wrestle and that's what makes us oh so different.  It's not about getting the crowd to pop from some chair shot or diving through a table.  Screw that and screw them.  I'm not here to please anyone in that arena but myself.  I don't care if Mack or Richard E.Dangerously likes my work as long as they know I get the job done.  I'm only here to out maneuver and out wrestle whoever is put in front of me and tonight its you.

Nick looks at Bobby and shrugs his shoulders a bit.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- What is it?  I see that look on your face like you want to ask me something of vital importance.

Nick Miller -- Well its nothing really but I'll ask it anyway.  Those were some strong comments and don't you think your looking past Murdock?

Letting out a sigh he starts again.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Don't you listen?  Like I said earlier I'm looking straight at them both of them.  I know what they say they can do in the ring but I know I can do that much more.  He says me and Diamond Dogg were like sheep baaing and whatnot.  Standing around?  Not impressive?  I dominated my match and he barely beat a stumbling drunken bastard.  The Sandman?  Sure he talks about captivating a wrestling audience.  You captivated a  God Damn Philly bingo hall full of nothing but worthless drunks just like yourself.  Hoosiers and rejects supported and followed you.  No one who actually cared about real wrestling and talent could respect a fat useless piece of garbage like you.  See your one of those pathetic drunks that only lives to remember what once was.  You know those worthless drunks that you can smell when your walking through a store with their tattered jeans and ripped shirt.  There hair is unkempt and they have that wispy beard from months and years of not caring about personal hygiene.  So putrid that the stench of liquor seeps from their pores like beads of sweat.  Well like your boy Emmett said this is the evolution of wrestling and your the dinosaur Sandman.  Your time is up and your struggling to hold on and keep a spot here.  Try as you might but in the end it is failure for you and Murdock come tonight.

Bobby stops for a moment gathering his thoughts.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Sure me and Diamond Dogg may not be a great pairing as Emmett stated earlier but I'd rather team with a wrestler that won than one I beat last week.  It's like taking a horse that was decent  three years ago and putting him in a race with two raring thoroughbreds ready to race.  And that's just what I am.  And that is fact not fiction.  You talk about my ignorance of you.  Well lets just say something all I can look at is your track record.  Sure you beat a drunken fool and you call Diamond Dogg basically a whigger Stone Cold.  And well both of those things can be true to an extent.  But my ignorance is not in that category.  I'm here to prove something to myself.  Prove that I can make it to the top.  Stand toe to toe man to man with everyone single person that prattles on about how they are the next big thing in the world of professional wrestling.  People like you Murdock.  But I know and I'm sure the fans have realized and will soon come to the realization that you are only doing one thing and it is biting off more than you can chew.  So before you put the cart before the horse and already claim your victory remember that I'm standing straight in front of the supposed " Straightener " and I'm the line that you need to cross not the other way around.  I'll be the game to play like you did in Vegas.  But I wont be as simple as a hand of poker oh no.  It'll be more like a well played game of chess and in the end it will be checkmate.  Game over for your tag team hope.

Boston's Best cracks his neck for a moment.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Right now though I want to step back for a moment Nick and talk about my match last week against Spiderman and Johnny Camaro.  I won the match sure but Camaro being the bitch he is attacked me from behind and still hasn't shown his face around here to answer my challenge.  Well what are you waiting for Johnny?  Take your mouth off of your boyfriends balls and grow a pair of your own and take up my challenge for Extreme next week.  Me and you no disqualification.  You want to be a bitch?  Well I'll prove to you just why when God said bitch you answered back with a resounding yes.  But I digressed for a moment and am going back to the song " For What Its Worth " with the line There's Battle Lines Being Drawn And Nobodys Right If Everybodys Wrong.  Young People Speaking Their Minds.  Well Emmett tonight its your chance.  It's The Sandman's chance to be proven right.  But I don't think the proof will come with a victory for your side.  No I think another line from the same song suits The Sandman's state of mind for the match tonight.  Paranoia Strike Deep.  Into Your Life It Will Creep.  It Starts When Your Always Afraid.  Step Out Of Line And The Man Will Take You Away.  See with The Sandman knows in his heart that he can't trust you in the least bit.  He knows if he steps out of line you'll try to straighten him and so he lives with his drunken paranoia.  He won't be there in the end but me and Dogg will.  Sure were not friends but he's not an enemy of mine.  I'm just here for a chance to gain gold and glory just like him.  And in the end both of them will know why " I'm Boston's Brightest , Boston's Boldest And Most Definitely  Boston's Best! "

Bobby James tosses the mic back at the chest of Nick Miller who tries to grab it but it falls to the pavement of the sidewalk as James can be seen walking down the sidewalk ready for another chance at proving himself in The SEF.

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