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Beach God Speaks Out

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 11:05:57 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:20/01/2010 5:13 PMCopy HTML

Morrison1.gif Morrison 1 picture by foxy1350
My Words• Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here.
Camaro is at his home in Newport Beach, California hanging by the poolside. He (as always) is looking like a god with his washboard abs perfectly tanned, he's wearing a bathing suit as he just stepped out of the pool. His hair's all wet and some of the water drips down his head to his faux diamond incrested sunglasses.

"You know Booby, I have alrady forgotten about last week, besides I was too busy being the greatest man to ever step foot on a beach to have the time to listen to the shit that comes out of that hole you call a mouth. It's hard to see through all the man juice you do so enjoy drinking from your latin lover, Pablo. You see while you where blowing your lover I was being blowed by the lovely ladies, but I don't expect you to care jizz face.

But I digress.

You have called me out twice ths week, calling me names, making fun of me. Only one word describes that...'Irony'. You see you call me names, you can't even come up with a good nickname. You made fun of me, Mr. Chezzy-Gimmick-That-Everyone-Uses, everyone that comes into a company thinks they automatically deserves anything they want-WCC that mean you too. If I my steal a page from Dumbass DX, I've got two words for ya, Fuck You. You have less talent than The Miz. No mic ability, no in ring ability, and sure as hell no originality. Examples: Favourite Quotes-When god said bitch you answered. I think you need to learn the meaning of the word. You want me in a No DQ Hardkore match...Hells no! Since birth I was destine for greatness, and you are on the way...Hell you're not even worthy of hearing my voice state this, you're just a disgrace. Besides, I'm going to be busy next week fighting my way to the Tag Team Titles. But if you really want a match against me, there is going to be something you need to do. Make it for the Intercontinental Championship. If you can't do that, then you're screwed."

His maid hands him a glass of lemonade.

"Thank you sweety."

He slaps her butt lightly and she giggles as she walks away.

"As for my opponents this week, WCC, we will have a war. It will be a battle of the best. Survival of the fittest. No, more like survival of the greatest and most awesome. We will tear the house down, getting more pops than flowing soda. We'll even have more pops than Mack. This is for two reasons: 1)The fans of SEF fucking love us, and 2) We are the two greatest tag teams in SEF for the last year or so. Me and Nikky, we're the most fit we've ever been and only going up. WCC they're the most high they've ever been and only growing higher, this causes them not to feel pain as easily. You will be tough opponents, but I know I will win. It's about time, and I'm for once 100% focused on winning the Tag Titles."

Johnny takes a sip from the lemonade.

"In conclusion, in the words of 'Boston's Average Joe' Booby James...Bring it all, bring the chairs, bring the ladders, bring the popcorn vendor and his ugly ass wife named Booby James. Peace!"

Johnny walks into the house as his maid shows thecamera crew out.


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Beach God Speaks Out
Date Posted:20/01/2010 9:09 PMCopy HTML

Morrison1.gif Morrison 1 picture by foxy1350
My Words• Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here.
Camaro is at his home in Newport Beach, California hanging by the poolside once again (as this is where he does his interviews usually). He (as always) is looking like a god with his washboard abs perfectly tanned, he has his bathing suit on still and has a muscle shirt on this time.

"I find it hard to make Booby James look like an idiot, mostly because he does it himself. Yet again, he fills his promo with stupid sayings, 'insults', and yet again is trying to get me to fight him. You know what I want for our match, and it's something you want too. So I guess me and you have something in common, we both want gold. Also you're wrong about the body thing, think about it. Do you think Big Show, or Andre, or even The Mediocre Khali got by with their wrestling skills? Anyway, my body isn't what makes me great. It's what makes me look so damn good, but not my greatness. My skills are what make me awesome, the fact that I'm The Quintessential Star is what makes me awesome. "

His maid comes out in a bikini and turns around showing the word "Camaro" on the back of the bikini.

"Booby, your actions may speak volumes, and novels, but one thing you don't know is that my actions wrote those books. I'm still not going to fight you, you don't deserve to fight me. Whatev' that's all I'm going to say. People of the world you're welcome."


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