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'CrownBREAKER' | Extreme II |

Started by Emmett Murdock, April 06, 2023, 11:17:05 PM

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Emmett Murdock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:03/03/2009 12:55 AM
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Date Posted:20/01/2010 11:44 PMCopy HTML

straighteneremmett.png picture by Freezer0
out of charactertook longer than I thought but done.

Emmett Kirk Murdock Junior. Making life easier for everyone with 95% of his collaboration. The other 5% was ignorant and bluntly retarded. He was re-burnishing  the corroded iron and making it sparkle as good as gold. The Straightener; going around the country trimming the pride out of his opponents with a well-earned Straight End beat down. Most took offense it in with no surprise, mainly the ones having the plunge, but it benefit's the viewers that such idiots aren't exactly displayed around as what they claim to be. They fill the arena with hot air but they fall before him like nameless refugees in need of aid or a final strike to put them out of their misery. They indirectly asked for a career-stroke with their pretended display of audacity. As if it wasn't obvious that they were trepid behind that act. Most in the SEF already knew who Emmett Murdock was, and they're gaping at his limitless potential. He has a key element in his abilities that pushes his opponents to the outside of the perimeter to make a good match -- puts them in that prospective Match of the Week. But it doesn't push them in close proximity to being victorious; Murdock Jr. came like a bombshell.
The Straightener wasn't a myth or an epiphany. He was reality. He pushed others. He stimulated.
Emmett Murdock was a phenomenon. "The Straightener" was the epiphenomenon. Succeeding that, there was nothing else. In SEF, some were already believers while others refused to take in what they saw and accept it as gospel. Their pride got in the way but that's why Extreme existed -- it was the ideal landscape that amputated doubt to leave only the truth in the end. Murdock Jr. was a connoisseur of fights, a former boxer in Louisiana and someone who dedicated years of his life as an enforcer. 'All the time, he got the job done. He kept a focal point at all times to methodically take a step.
Boston's Best and Diamond Dogg; their expectations were limited to some extent. They didn't go above and beyond when it came to being about Murdock Jr. They couldn't embrace the possibility of his echelon being above them because it would pierce their confidence. They knew it, so one tried to compare himself to him by stating that he could do just as much as he can...
Another exaggerated opinion would signify disappointment in the result.
Gritting teeth, fists clenched, or a scowl in the face -- he could come walking with all of his machismo but that boldness had nothing to do with his stupidity to walk the plank. Many brave men went to war, apt and prepared to pull a trigger on the opposite side but they sunk into enemy's trenches with mustard gas or were blown apart by heavy arsenal. In an overall estimation, Bobby James was going to bring it, but the only problem with that was that -- there would be no retrieving end. Whatever he was going to bring, wasn't going to make its course. Unlike Murdock Jr., he had emphasized outside the tag team match. He inclined on concern to some Johnny Camaro. Maybe he wasn't exactly looking straight at his opponents as he claimed to be.
Then again, he must have read his mind or stalked him to know that Murdock played Poker on Vegas. None of which was mentioned on camera.
 His partner, this Diamond Dogg -- was a brute.  
If there is one thing that revolved around life it was legends. And one of those legends would be Emmett Murdock Jr. Not because he created a domino effect in the SEF, but due to the fact that he would also hold the tag team championships. At any cost, at any price -- he would roll the damn dice and play at his own risk to prevail.
Open Sesame... to greatness. Like Christ, people don't know a miracle until they see one.
╬ the JADE Cross
Making a movement to perfect the remedy to success and aiding the Wrestling World.

Now entering... Crown Breaker.
Memphis, Tennessee it was. There was a petite thunderstorm taking place but at the same time a large amount of rain showers that left the city in an impasse with movement. An exodus. Squat floods of water left the streets damped; sidewalks, the open grass, and the asphalt in the road were all devoured under a body of water. Mud was all over. Most residents were required to cross the street in order to reach their destination but didn't take pleasure in having their ankles soaked. Lights were difficult to see from afar for a driver as windshield wipers irregularly scoured off the rain drops for an unobstructive sight. Hardly any pedestrians walked outside, tetherball courts and football fields at school -- all desolated. The gales of Tennessee were icy nonetheless, and could give anyone a cold the subsequent day. For a Wednesday 20th of January, this looked more like the start of the Day After Tomorrow. Some of the people went into hiding.

Where was Emmett Murdock in all of this?
Over by the Madison Hotel, he sat peacefully on the redwood chair with his arms folded whilst he straightly glared at someone in front of him. It was in that kitchen table with a little hanging light bulb where he had on his Adesso Oumo Men's black suit, surrounded by cameras from the SEF. In front of him by his right, his lovely blonde British girl sat wearing a Minnesota Viking's jersey to veil the Teal sensuous dress she had on to tease him. It was a routinely thing with her, but as she sat on his thigh, they hadn't focused on each other at the time. Something else was drawing their attention. As the cameras shifted from the angle in which Murdock and his lady friend where to the opposite side, they saw but one man. Wrinkly and elder but with dyed henna-toned hair. It was curly and he was clean shaven; refined if anything with his long sleeve navy blue polo shirt and old navy black pants. His smile was royalty and would easily distinguish who he was...
Memphis' own, Jerry "The King" Lawler.
The Straightener: "Jerry Lawler. Must I say I am honored with your visit here. I wouldn't have expected you to make a trip back to Memphis considering your work with the WWE was a little hectic, but thanks nonetheless."
Slyly smiling, he uttered as he tapped his thumbs with one another. His girl only giggled.
Jerry Lawler: "No problem, Emmett. You said this was an up and coming talk show, and so far I must say this isn't quite the location but I like what I am seeing haha." His cynicism was blatantly perceivable. His eyes were enclosed in one direction where the blonde British was, however she didn't return those looks that Lawler gave her. "But now onto the main course, besides your friend's puppies." Lawler said upon gawking at the beautiful Sierra Erickson who had her hands around Murdock's arm at the time of the meeting. Her head turned left in revulsion, but then Emmett told her to move aside for a little bit for him to get to his feet.
The Straightener: "Ah yes, you are a cultural icon and a hero to Memphis, Tennessee. I remember growing up as a kid and watching you via my television screen commenting Debra about her puppies. All those times, 'I laughed and found myself in an asphyxiating spot of pure humor. I couldn't stop and that was the problem."

Murdock cackled as he walked to the opposite end of the table where Jerry Lawler sat in with his big insidious grin.
Jerry Lawler: "I know, I know. Some things in the business just have to be pointed out. It's better than just keeping it in you know? I personally love to highlight what I like."
Of course -- those were the two words that flashed through the head of the Straightener. He sauntered behind Lawler's seat, placing his hands on the peripheral sides of the chair. Leaning forward, Murdock said a few words in silent manner with narrowed ocean blue eyes. Something was definitely off beam with his approach.
The Straightener: "..but you got to admit, even if you didn't point it out -- it stood out on its own."
It was that kind of idiocy that would cost Lawler at the time as Murdock skid his hands beneath Lawler's jaw to pull him back against the chair. It was a reverse strangle hold in which he was put in until Lawler endeavored to get on his feet. He may have hit an elbow in one of Murdock's rib cages, but the cost of that one hit was returned with a boxing hook to his cheekbone and a crushing knee lift to his back. This left Lawler in a semi-vulnerable phase where air was escaping him. Murdock took the liberty to haul him over to the woodened table while tucking Lawler's head underneath his shoulder. He used the chair to stand in while maintaining a Reverse DDT stance. With his girlfriend watching, Murdock rolled over to his right flipping Lawler over with a rolling cutter he called the "Straight End" through the table. Murdock took some pain from that fall, but it didn't compare to what Lawler experience within the blink of an eye as he pressed himself up to his feet whilst brushing his collar. He had scrubbed the soles of his dressing shoes against Lawler's face before he stepped away from the mess to look at the cameras on his left.
The Straightener: "That seems to be a major issue widely in the wrestling world. Most talented individuals need to be pointed out even if they already stand out. Otherwise their careers become voiceless. They need some sort of endorsement from someone, which is why most have the tendency to turn into crowd pleasers/favorites. Lawler here represents Tennessee but not what a King should be; thank the absurd consensus of Memphis for that. This archetype of a back attack on Lawler isn't intended to intimidate or embody any sense of me being overly dangerous like some people in akin to Diamond Dogg. What I did here was simple -- I struck down a multi-time champion. I invited a legend in wrestling to confront me today and with all of his courage it didn't make much of a difference as he went out quickly to my blitzkrieg. This man, this biasedly-proclaimed 'King' is in a way -- alike to our friend, Bobby James. You see, Lawler is christened to be Memphis' best, and he's so full of it himself that he decides to wear a plastic crown occasionally. While Bobby James, endorses himself with being Boston's best, he even has his Red Sox hat in addition. It's a good act, and another thing they will have in common is that I will have both of their heads before this day is over. I already have Lawler's -- I just need one Bobby James'."
Glancing back at the fallen Lawler, Murdock chuckled before looking back at the camera.
The Straightener: "You see, we have a bold man here who thinks he has just about every card in the game in place. 'That he could whip out any game at anytime and get himself a win. That he is prepared for any challenge. How many people thought they were right but turned out wrong? How many of these truth-convinced sayers made a public statement that turned out to be nothing but lies? Serial Killers are one. Then you have Joseph McCarthy and his McCarthyism era. The Law of Slavery. Teenagers in High School. The fact is, you'd have to be my shadow to understand everything about me, but you're not, Bobby. You don't seem to get that. You listen more to your 'music' than you do to 'reason' that it's leaving you deaf. You're saying that evolution won't destroy your hunger or mines, and if that's either ambition to thrive and survive or literal starvation -- then you clearly haven't read about the dinosaurs or the Glacial Age, oh Bright One. Things have to die in evolution, like businesses in order for the small to grow. Nature is an example of its own. There are always substitutes. It's life. Darwinism exemplifies it well; survival of the fittest. Which clearly, it's not where you belong. Considering your nonsensical babblings of this 'straight' talk you made. The hell? You're saying that you're looking straight at your opponents, but asking me that isn't Straightener what they call me? You make it sound like they call me that because I look straight, or you can't conjure up your ideas well that you go off into two separate topics in one line like a moron. Might as well tell me some Geometry and give me a sentence to write about English arts while you're at it; you aren't making much of a point with that absurdity. With that quotation, you make no insult and at that you appear to not know what a Straightener is. You plan to go through me? You're saying that you can also wrestle which makes us oh so different? Haha, that is ridiculous. You may want to straighten your facts before you think about anything else because I for one am a technical wrestler and know more submission locks than you do. Statistics say it best, moron. Go read your contract and compare it to mines. Clearly, you do spend too much time 'pleasing' yourself in a secluded area that you don't know what you're rambling about. If you plan to outmaneuver me, you're nowhere near being tactical."
With that comment, Murdock shook his head and then slipped his hands on his pockets. His blonde friend just looked from a distance as he worked.
The Straightener: "If there's something you can do much more than me at, it's talking shit. And shit is illogical and without a radius or a central datum. You did in fact mention that I said something of you and Diamond Dogg being like sheep? The whole 'Baa this and that' idea, basically. I don't recall saying that on camera, heck, I don't see it in my promo. You're either that mentally challenged, you have been reading cards with a fortune teller, or you're just delusional. If you want to focus failure on someone, start looking in a mirror because you're going there, buddy. This whole schematic of the Sandman and Emmett Murdock fighting one week and teaming in the next is already an understood complex detail. We get it; we had a match and we're likely to kill each other. But that's put on hold given that you and Diamond Dogg have asked for our attention. You prefer to team up with someone who won a match; I also get that. But you're missing out on the big picture. Sandman and I gave a more competitive and more exciting match than you two did. We fought so bad, we tore each other up that we're the talk of the town, while Boston's Best isn't even in the mouth of anyone, let alone the company's headlines. So much for 'domination.' So yes, I would prefer teaming up with someone who can bring it, than someone who sounds like a broken record player in each initiating sentence. Yes, that means the guy that tasted horse pussy: Diamond Dogg. If anyone is biting on more than they can chew, it's you Bobby. You with your bravado of standing toe to toe with me, making it to the top, being that line I need to cross -- you hold yourself in such a promising stand of antagonism against my career that you're overlooking how fragile you can be against me. You're like Achilles now, chiseled to be the best, bold and untouchable -- but you got your heel and I am going to take you down."
He paused shortly to recuperate some air.
The Straightener: "After that, you transition to me and... what game of Vegas are you talking about? ..Oh never mind, it's another one of those figments you get in your little head that tell you I have mentioned something when I never did. And if it's a chess game you're talking about, with your lack of concentration do you really assume you'd play well? I frankly think a pigeon would put up a better challenge than you. You predict and estimate; but you don't know it all. You rely on the idea that the Sandman and I will fight, but like Joseph McCarthy could end up dead in his own disappointment when he was proven wrong -- so could you. You're definitely not the brightest as you can see, and you're ignorant for calling yourself that. So I think overall Bobby James, you are Boston's Worst. You have a fifth digit in this match as well, and his name is Johnny Camaro. Try focusing more on who you're facing today because we're all shooting up, but the two of you are going to be plummeting to the ground. I will kill your hunger while at it. I don't need an endorsement from anyone to go wherever I want, do whatever I want, and take what I want. If Extreme means going through Bobby James and Diamond Dogg, then it's a  'piece of cake. But Diamond Dogg, you said you are 'King' right?"
Murdock wiped the side of his index finger under his chin before forming a smile and turning back to stalk the courageous Jerry Lawler that made an effort to get to his feet. With Emmett behind him as he crawled, it wasn't long until Lawler's head was kicked and pushed against the wall. He laid there unconscious in a black out and only the sound of rain to hearken. Soon after that, Murdock was joined by his lady friend as she wrapped an arm around his waist.
The Straightener: "Well, so was this one. 'See you at Extreme in a little, I have other prerequisite obligations to do."
It was at the point where Murdock went to the room with his girl that the cameras made the scene fade to black.

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