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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Started by Midnight, April 07, 2023, 01:33:13 AM

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Date Posted:27/01/2010 12:58 AMCopy HTML


Lord Oliver appears on the screen for all of SEF to see. Mack is relaxing and watching from his room and listens to what Lord Oliver has to say.

"To the SEF Arena..I bid you good evening. I am Lord Oliver...Master leader of the DSS,aka Dark Shadow Society. I realize that Ravyn and Ravenna are facing the greatest wrestler in SEF, MACK. I would have came there in person and met with Mack face to face for a meeting, but due to the task I have going here in my country,my choice was to be here to tie up business."

Lord Oliver paused before the camera view pans back some to show Midnight in the scene. Lord Oliver continues to speak.

"Firstly, I want to address Nikky Venom.  Mr. Venom..I gave you a chance to talk in a civilized manner with me like two mature adults and work out a deal so you can be happy with Ravenna, without us interferring. But the choice of words you bestowed at me, was not very respectful and just plain rude. HOW DARE YOU raise your tone to me after offering you a truce and willing to do the right thing for the betterment of both of you! I gave you this offer in hopes that you would be happy and know that we are willing to work it out.  But now since you made your choice in things and not willing to come to a truce, then you stand the chance of never getting our blessing to one day married her. This was the reason Midnight was hard on you. Because your attitude and disrespectfulness was the key to weither or not you got to be with her. We are old fashion Mr. Venom. We are not going to hand Ravenna to just anyone. We want to make sure the person she is with will not forsake her and treat her and the family with respect. For that..YOU LOSE!"

Midnight goes to interrupt and is silenced by her Lordship's hand.

"Let me finish first my child and then you and Ravyn can have your say. To Mack. I want to extent an invite to come to Romania and meet with me, one on one..no one but just us to discuss business. Two adults discussing things in a fair manner and not to fight. Your ticket and your accommodations will be paid in full by me and your meals for the day will be covered by me as well. I offer a solution to a problem..if your willing to listen. This is not a trick. I am more then a fair man and only ask that you take me up on this offer. As far as the matchup goes with Ravyn and Ravenna..I will let them speak for their promo here."

Ravyn goes to speak first.

"This Wednesday, me and my daughter fight against the coward of cowards, Chris Orton and his sidekick boy wonder..MACK! If you two boys thinks you stand a chance against DSS then think again. We have already proved that we have you running scared. Now come tomorrow, we are going to beat the ever loving shit out of you and show you that we dominate SEF..not YOU! One way or another, you will learn your place in this business and that is the back of the line. These fools here do not understand that we are going to take the opportunity by the balls and run with it. This is our time..not yours..so step aside boys.

Ravenna begins to speak next.


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