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Talking Titles At Extreme

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 06:55:38 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:31/01/2010 12:44 PMCopy HTML


By taking a quick look at the camera comes into focus you can tell from the eyes of Bobby James that the loss on January 27th was of slight concern to him.  Part of him knew that the ending was just a fluke.  It happened to anyone but alas it wasn't just anyone he had thought to himself.  It was Boston's Best.  A man who was and is poised for greatness in The EF'NW.  Yet another part yelled out to get moving.  Shake the pains free and get going.  A loss to Johnny Camaro in a hardcore match was a lump he would just have to take in stride.  Chalk the loss up as an error and put everything  forward towards the next night.  The next event.  The next match.  That's what he knew in his head had to be done.  He still knew he had much to prove in his wrestling career.  It wasn't about entertaining to the masses or making a name for himself with the boys so he could party and drink it up with them.  Fuck that shit.  It was about making it to the top.  Achieving the greatness he deserved.  Gaining the gold and glory that was now within his grasp.  So close he could taste it.  It was for this reason alone that Bobby James was still smiling though all of his aches.  Looking down at his hands it can be seen a text message was the cause of his smile.  It read " Bobby James.  Next week " Boston's Best " is taking on the newly crowned EF'NW International Champion Diamond Dogg for the title.  Good luck. ".  Good luck indeed thought James.  His luck was definitely heading in the right direction.  Come Extreme Bobby James would have a chance to take it to the next level and grab the ball.  I'll play hard and win he was thinking while turning the text off.  Soon enough James pressed in some numbers and dialed up someone.  Putting the phone to his ear he waited for an answer on the other end.  A voice spoke out.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yo Steve.  Whats...

James just rolls his eyes while light muffled laughter can be overheard on Steve's end.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Dude stop right there now ...
The laughter continues for a bit.  While he sighs and waits for Weigel to stop.  Finally Steve's laugh stops and James starts to speak again.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Are ya fuckin done now?

He waits to see if the laughter is actually done and pleased he carries on.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Good now you can listen up to my news you little asshole.  Seriously what the hell were you doing down there.  I had the victory within my grasp but whatever it just wasn't meant to be.  See its not that fluke victory Johnny Camaro got over me.  Yeah I'll admit that he got one over on yours truly.  But thats not the point Stevie.  The true point of the matter is that I proved myself to the one person that counts.  Not the owners , the fans , you or even the other guys.  I proved myself to myself.  Proved that I can bring it.  Camaro's arm somehow ended up covering me for the pinfall.  But I can say beyond a shadow of anyone's doubt that Boston's Best is one of the best working the wrestling scene today.  Sure I'm man enough to accept a loss not a victory.  What's in the record books is set in stone.  He got the win not me.  But ask yourself this Steve.  Do you think its over between me and Camaro?

James paused for a moment waiting for a response from Weigel.

" The Legendary " Steve Weigel -- Well I'll say this Bobby.  I've known you too long to know that its not over between you two guys.  But I do know that I dominated my match on Extreme. He he he.

Cutting him off James speaks again.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yeah yeah you won your match.  But does anyone even remember it?  What was it Steve the match that saw no action?  It was done and over in all of 20 seconds.  My match was the match of the night.  It was the one that everyone remembers.  Win or lose I made history just like I said I would.  It's the match the fans talked about on their little texts and their twitters.  Yours was a blip on the radar.  Mine was the scene but I digress.  For I am calling with great news for me.  Care to warrant a guess?

" The Legendary " Steve Weigel -- You just saved money with Geico?  No that couldn't be it.  Uh.  Hmm.  You found out that stripper didn't have crabs?  Nah.  I don't know.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Wow.  Damn.  No dude.  I just received a text message from management stating that this week I have a match against Diamond Dogg for his newly won championship.  My shot for a title.  Not your or anyone elses.  One on one.  Not Fatal Four Ways.  No Triple Threats.  Just me and him.  You can have your way with " The Lord Of The Fags " Mister Emo himself Nikky Venom for the hand of a whore but I got my chance for gold.  You play little league with a former champ while I go pro with Diamond Dogg.  I...

Steve quickly interjects.

" The Legendary " Steve Weigel -- Hold on a minute.  I love Megan.  She is who I want right now.  I want to save her life and gain her love.  She is no whore as you so eloquently put it.  To me she is a lost soul in desperate need of protection.  That is what she shall receive with me.  I will be her savior.  Her shining light to keep away her darkness.

Waiting to see if he is done explaining himself James goes on.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- See Steve that's it exactly.  What you want right now.  I don't think you have love for Megan.  You just love the thought of her.  That chance to save her.  To you its not about love.  Its about your desire to play the part of the hero.  To be her savior as you so eloquently put  it.  But ask yourself if she really wants you to save her?  I for one am not so sure.  Hold on a sec Steve.  Turn on Channel eight.  I think Diamond Dogg is doing a promo right now.  I'm gonna listen to what the horse fucker has to say.

Both men stop talking while Boston's Best's eyes grow wild.  His teeth are slightly bared while he mouths out " Fuck no. ".  Soon enough with eyes glaring he speaks with Steve some more.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- I'm a bitch huh?  I whined and cried to get a title shot?  Fuck that.  Diamond Dogg needs to get his story straight and not talk out of his ass.  See I just got this text informing me of my upcoming match with him.  I didn't ask for it but I sure as hell got my chance.  And I see the opportunity set before me.  Its time to step up to the occasion.  I'm gonna run with the ball and make the big plays.  He can go on about how I'm like a little baby crying over spilled milk but that's just not the case.  Can you believe he talked about EF'NW being faggy or something but yet he wants to put his dick in my ass.  Wow if that isn't Elton John calling Liberace a homo.  Like I care what some gutter trash son of a bitch thinks of me.  Calling me half the man he is.  Well would that mean that I would half way fuck a pig while he would go all the way.  Squeal piggy piggy piggy.  That I would almost suck a dick but he would swallow the whole thing?  Balls deep bitch!  Yeah I could see him doing that.  That's not me.  If I'm half of what his vision of a man is then I'd like to be nothing like that.  Simply I don't bitch and moan to get title shots.  I ain't no bitch and I certainly ain't gonna be Diamond Dogg's bitch.  I took Camaro to the limit.  Both of us put our bodies on the line.  We both were carried out on stretchers.  Yet his arm somehow was draped over me.  So I guess management saw fit to put me in a match against him.  So I'll put it in gear and beat the holy shit out of his white trash ass.  See unlike Murdock I know hes not a whigger.  He is simply low class fuckin white trash.  He doesn't talk black.  He talks hoosier.  But I talk the truth.  I talk vengance.  And on Extreme that's just what I shall have.  See I haven't forgotten about two weeks ago and I'm sure he hasn't either.  He walked out on me but somehow I have survived to fight another day.  And fight I will.  My pleasure shall come from his pain.  And in the end the crowning glory of it all will be when when my hand is raised and the International Title is draped over my shoulder not his.  He talks a big game but whats gonna happen when its just a one on one.  I'll say this I'm bringing it and he better be fucking ready cause I plan on walking away as champion.  Then it will be upward and onward to Crossing The Line.  The fans may not like seeing me walking into The Pay Per View with that glistening gold firmly around my waist but its not about them.  It's about Bobby James making his way to the top , winning The F'N Rumble and getting that title shot at Wrestle X.  Imagine the possibilities of a champion versus champion match at the biggest event of the year.  Others may think it while I'll make it possible.  And that's fact not fiction.

With that said Boston's Best and Steve Weigel say their goodbyes.  As James turns the phone off he ices up his knee and looks forward with a smirk to the next Extreme while the camera fades out.


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Re:Talking Titles At Extreme
Date Posted:31/01/2010 1:21 PMCopy HTML


nothing personal.. :P


    The scene fades in and the
lights go out while James is icing his knee still and thinking about his
 match with Dogg. They come back on and all 4 members of DSS,
Midnight,Ravyn,Arianna and Draven are staring at him in a mean manner.
He goes to jump down from the stool, when all 4 of DSS manhandle him to
the floor. He is fully restrained and can't move when Arianna sticks her
 revolver on Jame's crotch. She cocks her gun and smirks.


    Arianna: WHERE THE FUCK IS


    James starts shaking a bit
and getting nervous.


    James: I..I..I..I..Don't
know! He called me.


    Ravyn punches him in the


    Ravyn: Wrong answer pal. Try
 again..try harder! I am sure you will remember.


    James: I SAID I DON'T KNOW!
He doesn't tell me shit. All I know is he is claiming he loves Ravenna
and wants to save her. I swear!


    All of them lift him up off
the floor and slam him to the wall. Midnight pulls out a knife and puts
it to his throat and then smirks.


    Midnight: If your lying..we
will hunt your ass down and kill you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND JAMES??


    James: YES!


    Midnight: You tell Steve
that when we find him..we are going to tear his ass to shreds and feed
him to the sharks! You tell that fucknut DEATH IS COMING FOR HIM!


    DSS starts beating on him
and then leaves him spitting up blood. Ravyn kneels down and speaks.


    Ravyn: Boston's Best my


    Ravyn gets up, kicks him in
the rib and then all of DSS leave. James slowly tries to help himself up
 on the stool as the scene fades back out!

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