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Tonight Is The Night

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 08:58:19 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:03/02/2010 11:53 PMCopy HTML

There comes a time to take a stand to take a chance.  Tonight is the night.  Tonight we see two of the best that The EF'NW have to offer square off.  Boston's Best and Diamond Dogg enter a ring for Diamond Dogg's championship.  One man the champion.  One the challenger.  But both have the goal to make eachother bleed.  Both want the title.  Only one shall succeed while one will end the match in utter failure.  The narration ends with Bobby James tightening up his boot laces as he looks towards the camera grimacing just a bit.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Tonight is the night.  Tonight Diamond Dogg we fight it out for your championship.  I don't care what you call it.  You call it an Iron Man.  Call it a Garbage Title.  Call it The Jack Off Championship.  It really doesn't matter that much to me.  Call it what you will.  Yet be prepared to be called the ex-champion.  In the end that's all that will matter to me and to the fans.

James walks towards the door and hesitates for a moment.

" Boston's Best " -- Diamond Dogg you want to leave me for dead.  You think that a cheese grater will put me on my ass.  Your gonna choke me out?  Slap the Beast Choker on me?  Well how about this what if I make you tap out to The Silencer?  You can scream out and go tap tap tap.  I don't think I'm gonna regret challenging you for shit.  The only thing I'll regret is making you bleed less than a woman giving birth to quadruplets.  I won't regret being born yet you may regret it.  Cause you'll know what kind of heart I have.  I fight till I'm dead.  Till I have nothing left to give.  When I have zero percent I still go forward.  I don't stop.  Maybe you will.  Maybe you won't.  But I won't.  Talk about extinction but tonight its about blood.  Tonight is about a fight.

Bobby James yanks the door open and enters the hallway as he slams it shut behind him while the camera fades to black.

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