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Drawn Lines in the Sand (PPV #1, Nikky Venom Threads yao)

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 09:51:14 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:06/02/2010 2:13 AMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.

live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:
OOC message: In previous feds my default last name was Catrell. For the characters real name.
A Greyhound screeches to a halt within a dirty Louisville bus station. It really is fairly grimy; the walls, at one time white, have now assumed a saturated piss-stain colour, as if no one has cared for the painted over cinder in years. The floor is tiled with white tiles, that have that movie theatre-stickiness about them, even though not one trace of popcorn can be seen. The base of the walls are stained darker than the remainder of the wall, a disgusting reminder of where some drunk people will urinate if the need attacks them. As the doors to the grey bus open, people stream out. After one particular poorly dressed man steps out, aloud Hawaiian shirt covering his jutting belly, our hero steps out. Clad in black, faded, form-fitting jeans and a white After the Burial shirt beneath a black leather vest, he stepped from the bus, a cigarette already in his mouth, stretching.


He looked around, not noticing anyone. Nikky gave a shrug; probably just a fan who recognized him. But then he heard it again -

"Nikky! Err, I mean, Mr. Catrell!"

A small, skinny man came up to him, hurriedly running towards him. As he stepped in front of NikkyVenom, he stopped abruptly, somewhat out of breath. He wore beige khaki shirts, like Steve Irwin wore when he would go look for exotic animals in Australia - in fact, the man before him had a hint of an Australian accent. The man wore a a plain white t-shirt, and wire-frame glasses. His sweaty brow led up to tussled blond hair. He looked reminiscent of Owen Wilson.

"Mr. Catrell, my name is Louis Kelly. Let me get that for you."

Nikky looked at him oddly, as Louis exposed his cigarette. Louis brought the flame towards Jamie's cigarette, but Jamie pulled away quickly. He took the cigarette from his mouth and put it behind his ear, surveying the character before him. He seemed a little to plain to be a fan of Venom's

"If you have a pen I can get you an autograph." He said confused.

"Much appreciated, Mr. Catrell, but I am not here for an autograph! I was sent here by Extreme F'N Wrestling's management, to allow for a smooth integration into the touring cycle. They'd like to keep you on track, so I'm here to help you schedule things and to help you get to te PPV."

"Not gonna lie, bro - but I don't know if I really need you. It's not as if I couldn't handle myself on the road."

On the contrary, Mr. Catrell," Louis said, excitedly. "Since your antics and shenanigans are so widely documented, they've sent me to perhaps, keep you calm. I am in charge of making sure you keep, well, as proper as possible.

"So you're like the Doc to my Nikki Sixx?"

"I don't know, was this Doc character supposed to keep this Nikki fellow in line?"

"Yep, he failed by the way."

"Have no fear, Nikky - I will not fail you."

"I appreciate your dedication, but I'm afraid you will fail. If they really wanted to keep me pre-occupied, they should've just sent a girl with a decent rack and no STDs."

Louis laughed once again, as Nikky replaced the cigarette in his mouth, and took out a Zippo lighter, producing a flame much larger than the Bic lighter that Louis was using. They walked towards a limousine that was arranged for this pick-up; why did Nikky go from a bus station to a limousine? Thats a good question, but not one I can personally answer. Lets just say, he appreciate the scenery that a drive from Detroit to Louisville would provide. They entered the limousine, Louis demanding of the driver that they go to the Freedom Hall. Nikky noticed, while inside the limo, that there sat a camcorder. Louis noticed that Nikky was looking at it, and smiled. Nikky just rolled his eyes.

"Roll the camera, I've only got an hour before I meet up with Megan Sorrow."

Louis' smile grew into a full-grin as he mounted it on a small tripod.

"Already rolling; we can clean it up in editing."

"Nah, don't edit - just let it rock." Nikky took a drag of his cigarette, as Louis gave him the cue to go. "Ladies and gentlemen, come Crossing the Line, you will see the homecoming of the International Championship to me. You will see me bating the liing hell out of the Double D wannabe. Speaking of which, Diamond Dogg, thanks for keeping my title warm my shoulder was getting sweaty. Anyway it's time for me to take back the title which belongs to the Panic in the Motorcity. You had your run now it's time for me to take it all away. Diamond Dogg, after CTL  you will end up just as when you stepped in this company, with nothing and at the bottom of the barrel.

You call me an undeserving bitch, why? Because I was the one who brought that title to new heights. I was making it a main-event title, and more valuable than the World Heavyweight title. Now you  have just taken that all away. Look at the others promos, they all want the World now, not the International. If anyone is an underserving bitch it's you because if I ever did one thing right it was holding that title. Diamond Dogg you want to correct a mistake, then give me my title, and don't be a sore loser.... What? Doesn't that make sense? No, well that's basically how you used it. You went from one subject to another in one sentance. Lucky for you, I want to touch up on the first part of what you said. Me talking shit about you. That is a shoot, I was ripping on you but show me a match where the opponents didn't rip eachother. You can't because it would make the match boring. The third thing you said-ya I'm not going in order deal with it- was about me attacking you and stealing your belt. All I have to say is, did it get your attention? Of course it did, that's why I've go my match at CTL. As for that baseball bat, I'm going to personally make sure you don't bring anything but  yourself (and your gear that will be put on pre-match, that would be weird) to the ring. No weapons, no run in's, just you and me. In the ring for 30 minutes, the beauty is that this time the belt can switch hands by a DQ."

 A voice comes from behind the camera. "What about the skills of Diamond Dogg, he has beaten you once before."

"Fuck that, it was a triple threat match. I was too busy working on Gabreil to worry about that loser, sadly that costed me my title. So I guess what I'm saying is that I under-estimated Diamond Dogg, but trust me that will never happen again. And Diamond Dogg as I showed you, you should never under-estimate me. You look at me as if I'm just another joe off the street. Well I'm not, I'm a man that when this company was in trouble stepped up and forced fans to watch me, I forced people to come to show. Guess what happened, we started selling out. You may be asking yourself, 'How did you do that Nikky?' very easily that's how. Diamond Dogg be prepared for the fight of your fucking life, because I've lost to you once and I'm sure as hell not doing it again. That week I may have been weak, but I was pre-occupied. Sunday my full attention's on you and I will NOT let myself go down like last time.

Show Done!!"

The camera is turned off at that point and god knows what happen afterward. Check it out guys, Crossing the Line PPV and the first under a new name. Check this shit out because it will be hype, return of the Rumble, World Title Match, and most importanty, Nikky Fucking Venom vs. Diamond Dogg for the International/Iron Man Title. Crossing the Line Be There!!!
TBC: No one


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Drawn Lines in the Sand (PPV #1, Nikky Venom Threads yao)
Date Posted:07/02/2010 1:26 AMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:
OOC message:
"Doub D Wannabe, you ready for our match? 'Cause I am. I'm ready to kick your ass up and down the arena just to win back my title. Oh wait! It's not my title, hell it's not even a title reconized by management. Good one. But I'll touch up on that later. Right now I'm more concerned about what you said first. Two weeks ago on Extreme you beat me for the International Title though I don't really see it as a loss since I had my girlfriend kidnapped by that douche fag Steve Weigel. I didn't have my mind in the right place and it costed me the match. This time there's nothing in my way, nothing stoping me from destroying you. Tonight it will just be me and you."

"You call me a bitch yet again- and now I have to explain yet again-that's a falsehood, I am not a female dog. Unlike you who is, except you are a female Dogg. Yet again you say I'm not worthy, and yet again I have to tell you what I have done for this company. I have taken that title to the main-event, I have made that title the numba one title in EF'NW and you have undone all of that. You wanted to bring prestige to the title, well there's no more prestige to tthat title. You have made it a laughing stock that nmo one wants anymore. No one but me. I want that title back so I can bring it back to the top where it used to be. Tonight I will do just that and then  go out and celebrate with my girl and my title. Dogg you think I'm load of shit for saying that I will win. But It's a truth."

"I'd like to quote you Dogg. 'You talk about us having no weapons? You got it all wrong! We're in an Iron Man Match! So weapons will be brought into play. Diamond Dogg will see to that all manners of weapons are brought into play. If you think we won't have weapons to play with, then your a bigger fool then Diamond Dogg ever thought you were. No Nikky Venom, you started this with the baseball bat, and now your going to reap what you sown. Diamond Dogg is an Iron Man, and he's going to prove it to you.' There will be no weapons an that's because it's just a Iron Man Match. There are no special stipulations that make it hardkore, there are DQ's so you better shin that title and give to me at the beginning of the match becaue you will DQ yourself so many times you will lose. The score will be 100000 to 1, and then after that you're still going to call yourself an Iron Man, and whine and bitch and moan about how you were screwed. Well let me give you a lesson on what an Iron Man is. An Iron Man: doesn't need to use weapons to beat his opponent, doesn't whine,bitch or moan, and and Iron Man doesn't need to call his enemy bad names. You Diamond Dogg are no Iron Man, you're a wannabe, hence why I call you Double D Wannabe."

"Diamond Dogg you may have burned my International Title but that means after I beat you I can retire the Iron Man title and creat a new International Championship.  Oh, and you won't have to worry about your belt, it will be on permenent display for all to see. I won't burn it 'cause I'm smart, I'm not going to burn a $20,000 belt and grab a new one, no I will keep the Iron Man title belt and retire it to my Wrestling Hall of Fame. I will retire it to the room where I keep anything wrestling companies give me. Action Figures, DVD's, Games, everything! And your title will top it off for now."

"You talk about never giving me another shot, well I will find a way to reclaim that title from you. Your reign is coming to the end, it's only a matter of time before you lose your title and it comes home to Nikky Venom. Oh, and before I forget. Dogg since you made a rediculous stipulation like that I will make one. How about I turn the tables on you and say if I win you don't get to fight me ever for this title. Then, like I said you will be at the bottom of the barrel, wishing you never made such a stupid stip. Good luck next year but this year is the year of Venom."

"If you think Dogg that it's over tonight you're wrong because you will probably Richard that you never got your rematch, but whatev' I won't mind beating your ass one more time. Maybe. But I digress. Dogg I am going into CTL with nothing, but I'm coming out with the International Title. So Dogg say goodbye to the title because I'm coming for you and I will never give up on what is mine. Show Done!"

The camera turns off.
TBC: Anyone


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Drawn Lines in the Sand (PPV #1, Nikky Venom Threads yao)
Date Posted:07/02/2010 9:51 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message:

"It seems I got two people drinking the Haterade. Doub D Wannabe and Stevey Doubs. Both Got the Doub in their names. Anyway this promo will be split into two parts, one focusing on Steve and the other on Doub D Wannabe. So without anymore time wasted let's start."

"This first part will all be on Diamond Dogg.  Double D Wannabe, glad you like my nickname for you it took little to no time to come up with, but I'm not glad that you'd rather use weapons to prove you ability as an Iron Man than trying to prove it fairly. That is exactally why I question your Iron Manlyness, because you'd rather cheat to win then purly on our ability. So tonight when we step in that ring you better believe I'm not going to just stand there and take your weapon shots. No, I'm going to do what you requested and bring my bat, I'm not going to hit you with it I'm just going to use it as a defensive helper. Lets face facts, you can attempt to hit me with light tubes but baseball bats break tubes so that will be useless. As for your chair, you're not going to have time to reach for it I'll be right after you with a big Randy Orton like kick."

"You talked about how there were no multiple rematch clauses, but your stip said if I win I never get a rematch against you. What if I earn it, your stip says I can't fight you, so the way I see it if that stip is made and I don't agree to it then I get one you don't agree to. So mine is that if I win you never get another rematch, not even if it's in your contract. It's equal and it's fair."

"As for what you said about the title burning you are an idiot, because I do believe you are still on the hook for a $20,000 belt. You say how it was nothing special but all the greats and legends in this fed have all held that title, so don't say it wasn't special. To add onto that, that belt was special to a lot of someones, one of them being me. That belt meant the world to me and you burned it, I was proud of that belt because of it's history but now it's burned into nothing. That same nothing I built up to main event shows, and was the #1 belt for along time. It meant the world to me and you will pay for what you have done."

"Tonight we have a bitch of a fight and me and you will settle it all in the ring. 30 minutes, me and you. You can bring all the hardkore you want, but it won't make a lick of difference because I got the bombs. To words; Nuclear Fucking Weapons, OK! I will bring only myself and my bat and I will unleash the bombs on you. Of coarse these bombs are proverbial but it still counts. You're Shredder and I'm all four of the live action Ninja Turtles and Splinter. Just like in the second movie, Shedder (AKA Double D Wannabe) will die. The differences are obivously you won't be Super Shedder and you definatly won't be Kevin Nash (Nash played Super Shredder in the second one). So Dogg be prepared for me to take away your title, and I will take away your title becuase you don't know what it means to be a champion."

Nikky thinks if there's anything else he wanted to talk about and remembers Steve Weigel. 

"Stevey I may have lost to you on Extreme but it will never happen again, besides I`m not done with you yet Steve. I want you one more time in the ring, doesn`t matter what the stipulations are as long as it`s not for what's going to be my newly won Iron Man Title. Steve, if you have your match against Mack why don't we add onto your losing cost, if you lose you will have to face me in a match. If you lose to Mack, you must face the Panic in the Motor City one last time. What do you say?"

Nikky's about to leav but remembers something from Gabreil.

"Gabreil, last time I checked you left, by the time you came back I was here before you. So in that case you may want to change your nickname because the Devil's Saint has no obligation to. You can change your nickname or such the shit hole you call your mouth. And for all the others who enjoy drinking Haterade over me, I will not hesitate to go all Dwight Schrute on your ass'. Show done, and same goes with Double D Wannabe's run as a champion.

TBC: Anyone


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