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Crossing the Line to the otherside (PPV #1)

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 09:55:56 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:06/02/2010 12:51 AMCopy HTML

When I mock Bret Hart the impression goes exactly how it's written so extra spacesor words are apart of the gimmick

"Chris Orton, what can I say? You put up a good fight. Yes, I still want you in a match. The good thing is I have an oppertunity to fight you for the title, I may not -I totally am- win. Chris, I'm going to win the Rumble and I'm going to face you at WrestleX, then finally I will get exactly what I deserve. The World Title. Now, some people have asked, 'Johnny why do you want the top title not building up from the bottom.'" Johnny laces up a pair of boots. "Chrisy the Orton, you almost had me but at the same time you didn't. As for James, don't bitch about that because it wasn't my fault, James was aiming for me and hit you. He would have screwed me if I didn't so please just don't say you were screwed."

Johnny puts on a pair of sunglasses. "Bobby James, you tried to screw me out of my match, well I did yours. That's been the difference between us, I am always sucessful and you usually aren't. You find ways to help me lose, when I make you lose. That's the difference between you and I." Johnny rips off his sunglasses as he says that.

"As for the rumble which I should be more concerned with. I face James in the ring and believe you me I will whip him high over the ropes and claim my ticket to Wrestle X. Yes, WrestleX where I will beat Orton again and become World Heavyweight Champion. But to get back on topic, there is no doubt in the world that I will win the Rumble. Just look at me, I'm in the best shape for my life, fast, strong and able to make my pecs dance. I'm F'N epic! Everytime you look out at the crowd and see it packed, it's cause of Thee Christ of Wrestling." Johnny puts on a necklace with a ring on it.

"Bobby, you obivously wanted to fight me one more time. That raises why not fight me at Crossing the Line? This reason is simple, because I'm not willing to give up a chance at winning the World Heavyweight Championship, as I imagine you too don't want to give up the shot. This is pointless as you will not win, the reason behind that is because I am going to be the one eliminating you. I may not win but I will at least eliminate you from the Rumble. Like you said this is far from over. I still find it funny how you think I had a flike win when I had you beat and your buddy interfered. Bobby, the way I see it is Steve screwed me, then I got the victory. It's called karma, and this will help me beat you one more time. Now James, here's something to stretch my point." Johnny Camaro starts to impersonate Bret Hart-ala Big Daddy Donnie from Tha O Show. "Bobby, you hyena, when it comesss to Rumbless I  never get eliminated before I eliminate the cockroaches such as yourself. As far as wrestling goes  I'm the Excellence of Exicution,  The Best there is, The Best there was, and I'm sure as hell The Best there ever will be. Because It's quite simple, you see Bobby, I  am Jesus in the ring. I'm the Mesiah of Matwork, and I'm the Prophet of Perfection." Johnny quits his impression saying "Hyena!" one more time in his 'Bret Voice'.

"Bobby, I've recently noticed you have a slight problem with me. Maybe because I'm beautiful. Maybe because I get more ladies in one night than Ric Flairs career. Maybe because you don't like me talking about my beauty. And maybe because you think I don't have the skill to back up my talk. I like to think it's all of them but I don't know, I'm not you (Thank God). Anyway, I think maybe you are really pissed at me because you feel I screwed you two weeks in a row. Either way there is no reason why you had to offend the entire Christian community by talking about crucifying the third generation of Jesus Christ...Wait! wouldn't that insult every religion except like jews? Damn, James yous got yourselves in some troble. Talk about karma, you try and kill Jesus and he gets resurrected by the god and saved. The same will happen with me, the only question is who is "god" and when will he save me?" Johnny gets down on his knees, looks up, and put his hands together. Slowly he looks down still in the same position he was in. "Isn't it funny how before I found Jesus in me my music was "Save Me"? In the fed before this it was "Like The Angels". Guess he was always with me"

Johnny stands up, picks up his sunglasses which fell as he kneeled down. He hangs them through is necklace covering the ring. "Nikky, at Crossing the Line you have a big match. You also have the Rumble..." His voice seems really soft as if he was praying, but he isn't. "Though it's every man for himself, I will keep you in that match for as long as I can. I will for only one reason...Though it's cooled down some, you still have the DSS on your tail, just waiting and stocking you. You also have Diamond Dogg, the man you will beat at the PPV. He will definatly be going after you, I...I will make sure neither of those individuals touch you. After all even Jesus made sacrifices. Jesus had to be a savior to someone, and aside from these fans, you're the only one I can save. With your hecktic schedule, I'm suprised you're still walking. So at the Rumble, The Infection clear house."

Johnny puts on his robe. "Feburary 7th, 2010. The men get separated from the boys, and the fakes get separated from Thee Jesus of Wrestling. I have many opponents, and many won't be easy to eliminate. Just know this Rumble opponents, Jesus has been sent from above, he's here to help EF'NW. Jesus has been sent save you from the hell called WWE. Everyone has a destiny and mine will be fullfilled at Crossing the Line. This has been the Jesus in the ring, The Misiah of Matwork. This has been Thee Christ of Wrestling and Thee Quintessential Star....Johnny Camaro. I'm out." Johnny walks out of the locker room and the door slowly closes behind him. What will happen at CTL and who will be the F'N Rumble winner? Keep watching and whatever you do, DO NOT FLIP THE CHANNEL!!!!


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Crossing the Line to the otherside (PPV #1)
Date Posted:07/02/2010 8:52 PMCopy HTML

-Rumble Time, Baby-
"Crossing the Line to the otherside"

OUTOFCHARACTER! Rumble here I come


January 19th 2003-Macl wins the first Rumble.
January 25th 2004-Mickey Dragon wins the Rumble
July 31st 2005-Mack makes history again by becoming the first person to win the Rumble twice.
March 13th 2006-Matt Mattlock wins the Rumble.
Feburary 25th 2007-Viper&Black Bob win as co- winners, more history
March 2nd 2008-Ares wins the Rumble
Feburary 22nd 2009-Whittney wins the Rumble
Feburary 7th 2010-Johnny Camaro wins the first EF'NW Rumble.

"There are the stats, and note that I have put myself on there because it's obivious to everyone I will win. I will win because I have a different motivation than everyone else, I'm winning this Rumble  so I can make history, so I can be the first EF'NW Rumble winner. Right about now I could care less about the title match with it, that's the proverbial glaze on the lemon cake. Take a minute to figure that one out. Anyway, the Rumble is a way for everyone to remember the name Johnny Camaro. It's a way for people to look back and see how Camaro got his title start, and how he started his venture to the EF'NW Hall Of Fame." Johnny is sitting in the change room getting ready for his autograph signing. They've demanded he be completely in character so he has to put on his wretling gear and his entrance wear. It never bothered Johnny it just gave him a reason to put on the robe and sunglasses.

Johnny is sitting on a bench in his street wear and takes off his pants and puts on his tights. "Today was a good day not to freeball it." Johnny smirks  abit trying not to laugh at his own joke. "Back on topic. Today at the Rumble I face a number of wrestlers trying to win the same thing I am, and no one knows when they're coming into the Rumble. Hell I may be #1 and I may be #30, who knows. One thing I do know is how to eliminate peoples. See back when me and my brothers were sitting around playing ECW's first game, we always use to do the battle royals. I would stand on the outside of the apron and pull the rope down as anyone ran towards me, that is what I plan to do here. This will work because I won't be eliminated because even if my feet hit the ground I wouldn't have went over the top rope. Hell I probably not even make it in the ring I'll just start on the apron, then I haven't actually entered the Rumble."

Johnny takes off his shirt exposing his washboard abs and the necklace with a ring on it that he always wears. Some guy walks by and sees Camaro but doesn't reconize him. "Nice ring, you engaged?" The guy says. "Nah, it was my moms before she died." Our hero says. "Cool, see ya around." "Peace." The guy leaves and a voice can be heard from behind the camera saying to edit it out. "Nah, don't edit it it's cool."

"Damn it's cold in here, screw it I'm wearing the shirt." Camaro puts the shirt back on. "Anyway, at the Rumble I step into the ring with the likes of: Bobby James(again), Steve Weigel, Gabriel, Diamond Dogg, Sandman, and Drew Stevenson(Who everyone can remember from his runs in W2K, PWT, and his most impressive WGEF). All warriors and all great wrestlers, especially Stevenson who is coming off a win in his match against my idol Isaiah Sparrow. Stevenson, with all due respect, I will eliminate you personally, and the thought of you winning this Rumble ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on. Getting back on track. I've got so many people to go through and only one chance. I may get #1 and I'll need to fight everyone. I hope I do get #30, but what are the chances I will, right?" Johnny puts in his robe, and stands up ready to leave. "I'm done here peace."


"I am Survival of the Fittest."

"," S

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Crossing the Line to the otherside (PPV #1)
Date Posted:07/02/2010 10:37 PMCopy HTML

"First, I'm not defending Stevenson, 'cause he can do it himself. But you probably have no idea what WGEF is. You don't know the skill you must have to even try out for it, basically it's bigger than any Fed out there right now. Of coarse it's slowly becoming #2 to EF'NW. So don't mock that fed." Johnny has more important thing he has to talk about he just needed to get it out there. "As for you talking about how I've done shit in this company, well that is a falsehood. I am coming off a big win as I have defeated Chris Orton. After I win tonight I will face and defeat Chris/Mack to win the World title. Although I may give the title up to put you in your place."

"Brooks, I am concerned with how people look at me because I enjoy having fans cheering me on. I enjoy entertianing the fans and having them enjoy what I do. Brooks, unlike you I'm here to do the things HBK, Mr. Perfect, and Steve Austin did. I'm here to make people want to do what I get to do everyday. I'm here for the fans because I was once in there position, sitting in the crowd wishing I was in that ring. Now I'm doing what I love doing and what I wanted to do. I'm here because the fans want me here. At CTL I will win and I'll do it for the fans watching at home. Thank you and good night."


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