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Three Way Dance (Extreme Promo)

Started by Midnight, April 07, 2023, 10:05:19 PM

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Date Posted:08/02/2010 11:52 PMCopy HTML

The camera rolls on in a hotel room.
Megan Sorrow is sitting on the couch dressed in a long teeshirt. On the television plays a tape of how Angel and Eden St. Claire are in the ring. On the coffee table before Megan is a half-eaten large pizza and a couple of bottles of beer. There is a notebook next to the pizza box. Megan looks up at the camera, smiling.
Megan: This Wednesday, I go up against the tramp of them all, Eden St. Claire and Angel in a Three Way Dance. Now, Eden isn't a threat. She is weak. She shouldn't even be here anymore. Hell, I've beat her twice before. She'll be an easy opponent. Angel, however, is a different story. She seems like a worthy opponent. She puts forth an effort when she fights. We'll see though. She might just fall before me just like Eden does.
Megan moves to kneel on the bed. A figure is seen laying there. She rubs the figure's back. The camera moves back to show Nikky Venom asleep. Megan giggles and kisses his cheek.
Megan: I look foreward to seeing another match though. Nikky Venom and Johnny Camaro verses Midnight and Ravyn Crow. You see, Nikky has been accepted into DSS. I want to see how the match plays out. It ought to be really fun.
Megan gets up to turn the tv off before pushing the camera towards the door.
Megan: I look foreward to fighting Eden and Angel. Maybe they can prove themselves in this company. Close the door on your way out.
Megan goes back to the bed and crawls under the covers. She snuggles against Nikky. The cameraman pulls the door closes before heading down the stairs.
E F'N W goes to commercial break.

TBC: Anyone


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