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a true god is now world champ - extreme promo

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Date Posted:10/02/2010 8:19 AMCopy HTML

High ratings were not due to any new star Sunday, hell, they did not surpass what EF'NW has done in its history despite lies told. The biggest reason anyone tuned into Crossing The Line was for what the whole world witnessed, the fifteen thousand strong in the Freedom Hall sure as hell witnessed, and every single son of a bitch in the locker room saw the man Shane Mack take the fucking power back! So now what happens to Mack, where does he go, what does he do? Same as always, carry the fucking show on his back, so lets follow the late night dweller into the early morning, the man who has been rolling up and down these roads for over half his life and his life ain't even half over. So anyways, we follow the new World Champ as he climbs out of a limo in the back of the Roberts Stadium in Evansville. He sports his blue jeans and a black bandana with a collared long sleeved shirt checkered kinda with blue, black and some grey, whatever, the top button undone and his World Title under his arm folded up. The driver pulls his bag from the trunk and Mack pulls a bill, a hundred from his pocket handing it to him and takes his bag over his shoulder. The guy walks off and Mack heads to the door opening it up. The guard inside nods to him and says.
Hey champ, way to go Sunday, that was a fucking show!
Mack just smirks at the guy and nods in agreement. He walks on inside through the loading area, some of the road crew doing their jobs, Mack nods to a few who nod to him and he just keeps going until Smokey McWeed comes up in front of him and is fucking ripped and excited as all hell shouting to Mack.
Brotha, ya fucking did it, ya won the belt, you are the man, damn it Mack, you're the man!
Mack just smirks and puts a hand on his friends shoulder and says.
Relax bro, I know I am the man, I am the World Champ, I am who god and jesus aspire to be, I am who every, single wrestler in this company wants to be like and if they deny it, their just lying!
Smokey smiles big and says.
Fuck yea! So tonight gonna be a party like its been since Sunday night?!
Mack just smirks still and says.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't, just like any other week, sometimes we party quite a bit, sometimes its good to break a while, everything in moderation is my belief, although not my original theory, but so what? Point is, I partied my dick off more than these chumps running around here, I been to the top more, I am bigger, so I'll do what I want anytime I want and if anyone has a problem, they know where I am.
Smokey is still all excited, but settles some and asks a question.
Well hey, how about tonight then big old six man tag with you and SVD teaming up, plus Chris Orton and ya take on the rumble winner Gabriel Brooks, Steve Weigel, and Bobby James. Ya got anything ya maybe wanna get out there for them chumps?
Mack keeps smirking and says.
Yea, I know about the match, I know about the trickery by Gabriel or is it Jordan Brooks, or no, it is Gabriel Brooks. A plan to win the rumble and he pulled it off, he fooled them all and now he is secured in a spot at Wrestle X against yours truly, he stepped up, no doubt about that. Steve Weigel, yea, I knew his name and never claimed not to, at least I listen to what he says and don't misuse his words like what Stevie boy did, but oh well, some kids never learn, some tricks never get old, they just feel it. The fact is, I am a true god Stevie, I am the only god walking around here on my green earth...
He smirks big at that line, then continues.
Your just a bitter bitch who can't accept your role of being a nobody, of being some slack jawed faggot who never could make it in this business. Oooh, so ya won a heavyweight title somewhere, so ya had Burnout call you a legend, well Stevie, he never was a legend either. A better wrestler than you, but not even close to a legend. I said that a legend has to be recognized as such by every, single person, not just a handful of friends. Besides, don't you even realize that the original and majority of definitions for a legend mean that who or what is a legend is folklore, its make believe, its fake, made up, mythical. One definition of a legend is a a famous celebrity which is one who everyone knows for being one of the absolute best at their trade, their skill. Stevie, you are not regarded by everyone in that manner, so save your shit for someone who cares. Now as for your little challenge, hey, I'm up for it, a street fight, fine by me. As for the stip, hey, if you wanna call yourself a jobber for getting beaten by me, then fo ahead, no skin off my bones, but listen up and listen good Stevie, I will never call you a legend because you haven't earned it.
Mack looks back at Smokey now who is all zoned out listening, so Mack slaps him on the shoulder and Smokey snaps out of it and says.
Whoa dude, that was heavy. Man, fuck Steve, fuck him, he knows shit! He hasn't even wrestled all the years he claimed cause remember, he was retired for a while.
Mack nods, a good point, so he says.
True, yea, he brags on his tenure, but how much time has he actually spent wrestling and ho much on the sidelines as a spectator, a fan? If I cared to keep tabs on him, I would, but as long as he is in EF'NW, I have and I will. I may have played off not knowing his last name, but that served its purpose, I played him. Truth is, if you come to my home, I know who you are, remember, I'm god, I know it all!
He smirks sarcastically and continues.
Call me lazy all you like Stevie, it affects not one bit for I am content in knowing who I am, I am at peace with the nature of the best, I am above you and all others, so spew on all the shit you want because when it comes time to back it up its as simple as this!
He looks dead serious now and says.
Smoke speaks now.
That is simple.
Mack just smirks again and says.
Now tonight there is also Bobby James in the match, an even greater unknown to myself that Weigel the wiggle. BJ is some kid who came up in here acting like he knows it so much, but shows how little he actually knows. Bobby wil have to come to grips with that reality when he steps into the ring with a man such as myself who can go circles around him, hell, I don't even need my partners tonight and honestly, why should I be forced to team with anyone beneath me? SVD comes back and wants to ride my coattails, Chris Orton teaming with the man who destroyed him? No, I am not out to be a team tonight, the name Shane Mack is in a marquee all its own, it is a name like no other because the man I am is like no one else, hell, I ain't even just a man, I am a god after all, I am jesus long before no name puke face punk fucks were taking the name. I am above god and jesus. I'll whip Bobby's ass, Steve's ass, and Gabriel's ass all by myself because I can. Chris, SVD, just stay your asses in the back and jerk the curtain open for me when I make my entrance because its all your good at!
Mack turns back to Smokey now who again is zoned out, so Mack slaps him and he snaps out of it again. Mack just laughs a little and says.
Well bro, I guess I'll go drop my bag off in the locker room, then go see who else is hanging around.
Smokey just nods and says.
Oh, well ya got any good shit on ya bro?
Mack just grins and says.
C'mon, you know me!
Smokey smiles and says.
Well hey, wanna go spark one out back or something?
Mack just says.
Yea, yea, I'll find ya later ok, I'm gonna drop this bag off and just hang out, do what I do and carry this fucking show cause just like Sunday and every day before, Shane Mack is the man who delivers the ratings and there ain't no one else on this roster who brings them in higher than me and that my brothers is a fucking shoot, so KISS THIS
He does a half a crotch chop, then slaps hands with Smokey and walks off down the hall. Smokey just walks the other way, but we follow Mack on down to the locker room, yes, the room, the general room for all cause well he may speak the truth about being the best, being the man who they all come to see, he doesn't care about self image like most. So in he walks, finds an empty locker space and tosses his bag down, then sits on the bench and lays his belt on his lap. Mack leans back against his bag, his gaze across the room just into the empty space, no one else is in here at the moment. He looks down to the title and grins at it, then looks up and says.
Eight years of being a constant, back with the belt again, but nothing changes the fact that I am the most wanted man in EF'NW, always have been. Its why I can handle being the World Champ, its why I am the best there is and don't any of you forget it, but don't ya worry, I won't let ya!
Mack stands up now and raises his belt up to his shoulder holding it high, then walks out of the room and on down the hall looking for someone, anyone, whoever, just waiting for Extreme to start, so until then, we fade out.

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