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universal6 star tag team

I am ready for my tag team match.

Started by SVD, April 07, 2023, 10:19:56 PM

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Date Posted:10/02/2010 8:17 PMCopy HTML

My Words• Okay lets get serious..short but its the thread.
Cross the line,an event were many modern gladiator have crossed the line,and now after crossing the line,we are back on extreme and this time we see former world Champion Chris Orton teaming up with the current World Champion Mack,and the returning SVD but they will fight against guys like Gabriel and Bobby James.Are they ready for them.

"Now Mack thinks that I am actually riding his cootailes,but actually I am friend.If it wasn't for me then on Last Extreme he would totally be screwed.What I did was to return him a favor by coming out and get rid of richard and his goons taking him out,and if it wasn't for me,He wouldn't make it to Cross the line 110%"

Mack has gone a little egoistic,he went so far,that he doesn't need SVD or Chris Orton to help in this match.He thinks he can do it all alone.Is he sure?Is that what he wants?"Now Mack thinks he could do this match is on.Fine he could,but hey first thing I am friend,and a friend never betrays his friends,his allies,and I will never betray Mack at all.Sure he is the champion and he has my respect.I would let him know,whether he needs me or not,I will always gonna be there to help him in any aid,possible"

Well there you have it,a friend in need,is a friend indeed.Salman has shown signs of his friendship towards Mack in and out,but since Mack has become the World Champion,doesn't he sound a little selfish.Well too many he is but who cares?Salman is still happy to be friend with him.The Pakistan's number one controversial superstar is the man to watch this year.Ofcourse he has been well known for mistreating his partners,betraying many of his former tagteam partners,in other federations,could this happen here in Extreme F'N Wrestling.Well who knows?"Mack.I take this oath,many may find me quite stupid,but I will never ever gonna betray you.I will always come out to help you and if you need my help to placate someone ,then just you know what to do?Hit me up and I'll be there shortly for sure"

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