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Tonight I Win (extreme r/p)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 07, 2023, 10:21:16 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:10/02/2010 8:50 PMCopy HTML

[At Crossing The Line we saw many men enter the ring for The F'N Rumble and only one man win as expected because only one could and it was not El Psicopata, it was not anyone who made their debut that night, it was Gabriel, no, he eliminated himself early on, it was Jordan Brooks, no, his name is Gabriel Brooks because the two ere the same person. A hell of a plan by the man, but obviously one that worked for him. Now Psicopata goes into Extreme to work his way up to the top. He had a chance in the rumble, but he lost, oh well. He expected a rise to the top to take a while anyways, the rumble was his first ever pro match in America, his fourth match ever in his career, so he is a rookie and he is here to prove himself. He is here inside the Roberts Stadium standing in the back all pumped up and ready to go out and use his impact from Sunday to get a win tonight! El Psicopata stands by himself in a dark room, nothing mystical, just a dim lit room with some light on him showing the focus to be him. Psicopata is in his ring gear, his eyes tell you he's ready and now so does he.]

Sunday night I came up short of winning the rumble, but I didn't go out without leaving a lasting impression in my debut, my official debut into pro wrestling! I went the distance with everyone else, I lasted as long as I could and I admit it, I got tossed out, I lost, but here I am in the arena for the next show and I am ready to step in the ring again and bust my ass to become somebody!

[He looks down for a second, then looks back up and says.]

Tonight is a fatal four way against Dante Davlin, Emmett Murdock, and Zacky Shadows. Tonight I am in more of a standard match, although a fatal four way is still very risky to losing, its not an easy match to win, then again, a straight singles match can be a hard one depending on your challenger. Of the three men I face, none have spoken a word since I got here. I know very little of each man aside from profiles on EFNW.com, but maybe they know little of myself. Its hard to say, but what matters is what is brought to that ring and tonight I bring what I brought to the rumble, plus my experience from Sunday. Maybe not that of my opponents, maybe not that of anyone in EF'NW, but I will try, I will work my ass off to get that first win and show everyone I mean business.

[He pause and looks down again, then looks back up.]

Zacky, Emmett, and Dante, I am out to make myself known here, not the opposite, so ya better be at your best or you will fall to the depths as I rise up and you stay by the side!

[El Psicopata suddenly rushes by the camera in a flash leaving the room, disappearing from our view. Obviously he is ready to go, but are his opponents?]

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