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Three New Guys Battle For Respect [Extreme R/P]

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 07, 2023, 10:59:53 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:16/02/2010 2:58 AMCopy HTML

So Drew is ready to pick me apart, to tear me limb from limb, to break me down, to ground me and beat me, force me to submit, make me quit?!
[He stops near a tree and leans forward into it with his shoulder, then whips around putting his back to the tree and looks a little wild eyed.]
Rayo is looking forward to facing a man of his own style, he's ready to show up a fellow luchador. Both men show their respect, but each wants to win and rightfully so because we all have something to prove, we are the new blood of EF'NW looking to make it big and become the top draws, rise to the top of the ladder. Drew and Rayo, you both boast more experience than I do, you both have been around various other indies, you've been around period. Rayo, I thank you for telling me that last week was impressive, it means a lot, I really do appreciate it, so thank you. I hope to impress you again this week, to impress Drew, to impress even bigger stars here in EF'NW, to impress management, and to impress all these people who watch us live a dream and the best way to impress would be to beat the two of you and mark my words!
[He pauses taking a breath, lets out a breath that can be seen in this cold.]
I will show up prepared, ready to do just that, win over every, single person mentioned, to win you all over and show the world that El Psicopata means business. I may not be able to boast any accomplishments, I may have no background, but we all have to start somewhere and here it is for me. I thank you both for showing me the respect of being able to be a learner and learn instead of acting as if I have no place in the ring with you, I thank you for being honest. Tonight's match is gonna be the dawning of a new era to steal a classic line. Its gonna be the showcase of the future of this company and the winner may very well be the first man to make it, although that isn't always the case. Impact first, win if you can, never give up, bust your ass and don't let the dream turn to a nightmare.
[He pauses again, Psiopata stares off into the night air, the cold, night air.]
I came here to learn my craft, hone my skill, become one of the absolute best performers ever. Tonight's match I feel may be just one of many between the three of us for I have no plans to leave here before I make it and I hope you two feel the same because that can only make all three of us better. I am so pumped over this match, psyched up, amped and ready to go out and raise the fucking bar, break the ceiling, crumble the roof. This is our time to step up...this is my time to rise up and make everybody know who the hell EL PSICOPATA is!
[He pushes away from the tree and goes running across the park now, leaps over a bench and dodges a few trees disappearing into the night, running from the park into a street and into the town of Manchester somewhere.]

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