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Mack disrespect this business!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 07, 2023, 11:15:11 PM

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Date Posted:16/02/2010 1:26 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Mack disrespect this business
Mack, SVD, Gabriel Brooks
Roleplaying for "Extreme"
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
Extreme F'N Wrestling presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene opens up with Chris Orton in his dressing room looking at footage on what happen last week on "Extreme", and he stops the footage with Mack face, so Orton started talking.

Chris Ortoon: I got to handle to you Mack, because I look into your eyes thinking just why you did what you did, I figure it out that you disrespect this business, and you going to pay for what you did to me also everyone who respect this business. You took a can of spray paint, and you disrespect World Heavyweight Championship with some kind logo that suppose to mean something like we suppose to fear your logo, or anyone stands by your side believe what you did is right. I'm glad you can lose your title if SVD is pin, because we all know SVD is piece of crap, and I should know the guy always trying making something out himself ends up to be a failure.

Chris Orton stops talking, listening the fans chanting his name, started talking again.

Chris Orton: Tonight on "Extreme", I'm teaming up with Gabriel Brooks in tag team "Hardcore" match, and whoever pins SVD becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion. We all know what going to happen, because Mack got a plan up his sleeves that going to help him retain his title. I said it before I will say it again that Mack will never be number #1 in this business until he beats the man who is number #1 in this business right now that is me. I don't know if I can trust Gabriel Brooks, but I do know he and I want to be World Heavyweight Champion, so I would love to win back World Heavweight Championship, but I want to kick Mack ass, and I'm going to make him bleed make him suffer like he did to me. I'm going to beat some respect into him, and he going wake up next day in hostipal, because I'm going to kill that fucker!

Chris Orton gets up from his chair, walks away and out of his locker room, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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